.. module :: Primitives
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: Classes representing geometric entities or basic building blocks
The classes contained in this module represent the basics of geometric modelling
in pyvsim. It also contains the ray tracing engine and its models (reflection,
refraction, etc)
.. moduleauthor :: Ricardo Entz <maiko at thebigheads.net>
.. license::
PyVSim v.1
Copyright 2013 Ricardo Entz
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import copy
import Utils
import Library
import Core
import weakref
# Global constants
[docs]class Component(Core.PyvsimObject):
The class component is a representation of elements used in the simulation.
Most of its methods are abstract (throw a NotImplementedError) because the
really useful classes are its derivatives::
* :class:`~.Core.Assembly`
* :class:`~.Core.Part`
* :class:`~.Core.Line`
However, this class exists to stipulate a common interface for all elements
in simulation, allowing a tree-like nesting of them.
Some attributes (x, y, z, origin, id) are not directly changeable (for
obvious reasons), only with geometrical transforms, etc, so no setter is
implemented, and if you try to change them, you will get an error.
There is also a implementation of the visitor pattern using the
:meth:`~Core.Component.acceptVisitor` method
DUMP = 3
def __init__(self):
self._origin = np.array([0,0,0])
self._x = np.array([1,0,0])
self._y = np.array([0,1,0])
self._z = np.array([0,0,1])
self.parent = None
self._depth = None
[docs] def x(self): return self._x
[docs] def y(self): return self._y
[docs] def z(self): return self._z
[docs] def origin(self): return self._origin
[docs] def bounds(self): return None
[docs] def depth(self):
Return the depth of the component within a tree
if self.parent is None:
self._depth = 0
self._depth = 1 + self.parent.depth
return self._depth
[docs] def intersections(self, p0, p1, tol = GLOBAL_TOL):
This is a method used specifically for ray tracing. The method returns
data about the first intersection between line segments and the
polygons defined in the Component. The implementation of the
intersection is given by the inheriting classes.
p0, p1 - numpy.array (N x 3)
Coordinates defining N segments by 2 points (each p0, p1 pair),
which will be tested for intersection with the polygons defined in
the structure.
tol - double
Tolerance used in the criteria for intersection (see documentation
of each implementation)
If no intersections are found.
Otherwise returns a list with::
This is used to indicate how far the intersection point is from the
segment starting point, if 0, the intersection is at p0 and if 1,
the intersection is at p1
*Iff* the parameter is > 1 (999), no intersection was found
This is where the intersections are found
This is the index of the triangle where the intersection was found.
If no intersection found, will return 0, *but attention*, the only
way to guarantee that no intersection was found is when the
lineParameter is zero.
The normal vector at the intersection point (if the surface is
defined with normals at vertices, interpolation is performed).
A list with references to this object. This is, in this case,
redundant, but that makes the function signature uniform with the
return None
[docs] def translate(self, vector):
This method should be used when there is a change in the component
position. This method operates only with the origin position, and
delegates the responsibility to the inheriting class by means of the
:meth:`~Core.Component.translateImplementation()` method.
vector : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector to translate the component. An array with x, y and z
self._origin = self._origin + vector
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, vector):
This method must be implemented by the interested inheriting class in
case a translation affects its internals.
For example: a class with a vector of points P will probably need to
update that to P+vector
This is a way of implementing the `Chain of Responsibility
pattern, so that these geometrical operations are executed recursively.
*This is a protected method, do not use it unless you are inheriting
from this class!*
vector : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector to translate the component. An array with x, y and z
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint=None):
This method should be used when there is a change in the component
position. This method operates only with the origin and the x, y and z
vectors. It delegates the responsibility to the inheriting class by
means of the :meth:`~Core.Component.rotateImplementation()` method.
Angle : scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector around which the rotation occurs.
pivotPoint : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Point in space around which the rotation occurs. If not given,
rotates around origin.
if (np.abs(angle) < GLOBAL_TOL):
if pivotPoint is None:
pivotPoint = self._origin
self._origin = Utils.rotatePoints(self.origin,angle,axis,pivotPoint)
self._x = Utils.rotateVector(self.x,angle,axis)
self._y = Utils.rotateVector(self.y,angle,axis)
self._z = Utils.rotateVector(self.z,angle,axis)
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method must be implemented by the interested inheriting class in
case a rotation affects its internals.
For example: a class with a vector of points P will probably need to
update them accordingly using the following code::
P = Utils.rotatePoints(P,angle,axis,pivotPoint)
This is a way of implementing the `Chain of Responsibility
pattern, so that these geometrical operations are executed recursively.
*This is a protected method, do not use it unless you are inheriting
from this class!*
Angle : scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector around which the rotation occurs.
pivotPoint : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Point in space around which the rotation occurs. If not given,
rotates around origin.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def alignTo(self,x_new,y_new,z_new=None, pivotPoint = None, tol=1e-8):
This method allows the alignment of the part to a specific direction
(this is very useful in optical systems definition).
The implementation assumes that at least two *orthogonal* vectors are
given. There is an assertion to guarantee that.
With the new vector base, a rotation matrix M is calculated, and the
`formulation to convert rotation matrix to axis-angle
is used for convenience (as then the method :meth:`~Core.Component.rotate`
can be directly called).
Obs: No concerns about code efficiency are made, as this method will
probably not be used all the time.
x_new, [y_new, z_new] : numpy.array(1,3)
New vectors defining the orientation of the part. The vectors need
NOT to be normalized, but MUST be orthogonal.
Vectors y_new or z_new can be omitted (one at a time) and will be
implicitly calculated
pivotPoint : numpy.array(1,3)
Point in space around which the rotation occurs. If not given,
rotates around local origin.
tol : 1e-8
Many checks are executed in order to guarantee that the new x, y and
z vectors are orthogonal and normalized. This is the tolerance of
these checks.
If the vectors are not perpendicular to the given tolerance (check
is done with a dot product), or if the rotation is performed from
a right-handed coordinate system to a left-handed and vice-versa.
If the calculation has other mathematical problems.
if pivotPoint is None:
pivotPoint = self.origin
if y_new is not None and z_new is None:
z_new = np.cross(x_new,y_new)
if y_new is None and z_new is not None:
y_new = np.cross(z_new,x_new)
Xnew = Utils.normalize(np.vstack([x_new,
# Verification that the base is orthonormal
assert (Utils.aeq(np.dot(Xnew[0],Xnew[1]),0, tol) and
Utils.aeq(np.dot(Xnew[0],Xnew[2]),0, tol) and
Utils.aeq(np.dot(Xnew[2],Xnew[1]),0, tol))
# Verify it is right-handed
assert (Utils.aeq(np.cross(Xnew[0],Xnew[1]), Xnew[2], tol) and
Utils.aeq(np.cross(Xnew[0],Xnew[2]),-Xnew[1], tol) and
Utils.aeq(np.cross(Xnew[2],Xnew[1]),-Xnew[0], tol))
Xold = np.array([self.x,
M = np.linalg.solve(Xold,Xnew)
if Utils.aeq(M, np.eye(3)):
assert (np.linalg.det(M) - 1)**2 < GLOBAL_TOL # prop of rotation Matrix
# Formulation from Wikipedia (See documentation above)
D,V = np.linalg.eig(M)
D = np.real(D)
V = np.real(V)
# Verifies that the matrix M is a rotation Matrix
assert ((D-1)**2 < GLOBAL_TOL).any()
axis = np.squeeze(V[:,(D-1)**2 < GLOBAL_TOL].T)
cosAngle = (np.trace(M)-1)/2
# Sometimes small numeric errors are found, so must correct them,
# otherwise np.arrccos returns nan
if (abs(cosAngle) > 1):
cosAngle = np.sign(cosAngle)
angle = np.arccos(cosAngle)
# We can't know the right rotation, so we must check
if Utils.aeq(Utils.rotateVector(Xold, angle, axis), Xnew):
[docs] def clearData(self):
This method must be implemented by each inheriting class. Its function
is to avoid classes having inconsistent data after a geometric transform.
For example: a camera has a mapnp.ping funcion calculated from raytracing,
then the user moves this camera, making the mapnp.ping invalid.
When a rotation or translation is called the clearData method is also
called, and the class is in charge of cleaning all data that is now
not valid anymore.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Assembly(Component):
The assembly class is a non-terminal node in the Components tree. It carries
almost no properties of its own, but makes sure that all geometrical
transformations are propagated to its subcomponents.
The subcomponents are stored in a numpy array. This is definetely not
always needed (except when fancy slicing is desired), but this keeps
the consistency all along the code, making all lists instances of
def __init__(self):
self._items = np.array([], dtype = object)
self._bounds = None
self.surfaceProperty = Component.TRANSPARENT
self.name = 'Assembly '+str(self._id)
# Ray tracing properties
self.material = Library.IdealMaterial(1)
self.surfaceProperty = Component.TRANSPARENT
def __repr__(self):
Returns a pretty-printable tree representation of the assembly
generated recursively
string = Component.__repr__(self) + "\n|"
if self._items is not None:
for item in self._items:
string = string + (item.depth*3) * " " + "+->"
string = string + item.__repr__() + "\n|"
return string
def __iadd__(self,other):
Overloads the "+=" operator to act as an append element, or a list
if not issubclass(type(other), Component):
raise TypeError("Operations are only allowed between \
pyvsim components")
return self
def __isub__(self,other):
Overloads the "-=" operator to act as an remove element, or a list
if not issubclass(type(other), Component):
raise TypeError("Operations are only allowed between \
pyvsim components")
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
This overloading is used in ray tracing, because it might be that the
tracing target is given as an assembly, but the intersection always
happens with a subcomponent of the assembly
answer = np.zeros_like(other)
answer += (other is self)
for item in self._items:
answer += (item == other)
return answer
def __neq__(self, other):
This overloading is given to maintain coherence with __eq__
return 1 - (self == other)
def __getitem__(self, k):
This overloading is provided so that the assembly can be referenced by
index, as in an array
if type(k) is str:
for item in self._items:
if item.name == k:
return item
raise KeyError("Element ", k, "is not available")
return self._items[k]
def __setitem__(self, k, value):
This overloading is provided so that the assembly can be referenced by
index, as in an array
self.append(value, k)
def __delitem__(self,k):
Removes the element of a list
Method provided to align assembly behavior to that of a list.
def __len__(self):
Returns the length of the items list.
Method provided to align assembly behavior to that of a list.
return len(self._items)
def __contains__(self, other):
Check if items list contains element
Method provided to align assembly behavior to that of a list.
return other in self._items
[docs] def refractiveIndex(self, wavelength = 532e-9):
Returns the index of refraction of the material given the wavelength
(or a list of them)
wavelength : scalar or numpy.array
The wavelength of the incoming light given in *meters*
refractiveIndex : same dimension as wavelength
The index of refraction
return self.material.refractiveIndex(wavelength)
[docs] def bounds(self):
Returns the boundaries of the assembly by finding the minimum bounding
box aligned to the axis that contains it.
The algorithm works by finding the maximum and minimum values of
x, y and z by traversing the subcomponents.
bounds : numpy.array(2,3)
An array containing the following elements:
[[xmin, ymin, zmin],
[xmax, ymax, zmax]]
if self._bounds is None:
mini = np.ones((len(self.items),3))*1000
maxi = -np.ones((len(self.items),3))*1000
if len(self._items) > 0:
for n in range(len(self._items)):
b = self._items[n].bounds
if b is not None:
[mini[n],maxi[n]] = b
self._bounds = np.array([np.min(mini,0),np.max(maxi,0)])
return self._bounds
def items(self):
return self._items
def items(self,value):
self._items = value
for part in self._items:
part.parent = self
def items(self):
del self._items
[docs] def append(self, component, n = None):
Adds element at the component list.
component : Component
The Component to be added
n : int = None
[Optional] The position of the component to be added. If no
parameter is given, the element is added at the end of the list,
otherwise it is added at the n-th position.
The list length.
if n is None:
n = len(self._items)
self._items = np.append(self._items,
self._items[n] = component
component.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
self._bounds = None
return len(self._items)
[docs] def remove(self, element):
Remove the element at the n-th position of the component list. This
also de-registers this assembly as its parent.
element : string, int or object
The name, the position in the list or the object to be removed
A reference to the element, if one is to re-use that.
index = None
if type(element) is str:
for i, elem in enumerate(self._items):
if elem.name == element:
index = i
elif issubclass(type(element), Core.PyvsimObject):
for i, elem in enumerate(self._items):
if elem is element:
index = i
elif type(element) is int:
index = element
raise TypeError("Input must be either string, int or pyvsimobject")
if index is None:
raise IndexError("index out of bounds")
element = self._items[index]
element.parent = None
self._items = np.delete(self._items, index)
return element
[docs] def acceptVisitor(self, visitor):
This method is a provision for the `Visitor Pattern
<http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern>` and is be used
for traversing the tree.
As an assembly has sub-elements, we must iterate through them
for part in self._items:
def _boundingBoxTest(self, bounds, p0, p1):
Determines if lines defined by the segments p0-p1 intersects the box
bounding the polygon
The algorithm implemented was taken from:
author = {Amy Williams and Steve Barrus and R. Keith and Morley Peter
title = {An efficient and robust ray-box intersection algorithm},
journal = {Journal of Graphics Tools},
year = {2003},
volume = {10},
pages = {54}
It was written in a way to accept a list of lines.
In the code, there is the following trick::
V[V == 0] = GLOBAL_TOL
Which seems to work to avoid the creation of NaNs in the calculation.
bounds : numpy.array([[xmin,ymin,zmin],[xmax,ymax,zmax]])
the dimensions of the bounding box
p0 : numpy.array (N x 3)
segment initial point - accepts simultaneous calculation of N
p1 : numpy.array (N x 3)
segment final point - accepts simultaneous calculation of N
| if intersection | 1 |
|if not intersection | 0 |
if N lives were given, will return a N-long numpy.array
[xmin,xmax] = bounds
V = p1 - p0
V[V == 0] = GLOBAL_TOL
T1 = (xmin - p0) / V
T2 = (xmax - p0) / V
Tmin = T1 * (V >= 0) + T2 * (V < 0)
Tmax = T2 * (V >= 0) + T1 * (V < 0)
eliminated1 = (Tmin[:,0] > Tmax[:,1]) + (Tmin[:,1] > Tmax[:,0])
Tmin[:,0] = (Tmin[:,0] * (Tmin[:,1] <= Tmin[:,0]) +
Tmin[:,1] * (Tmin[:,1] > Tmin[:,0]))
Tmax[:,0] = (Tmax[:,0] * (Tmax[:,1] >= Tmax[:,0]) +
Tmax[:,1] * (Tmax[:,1] < Tmax[:,0]))
eliminated2 = (Tmin[:,0] > Tmax[:,2]) + (Tmin[:,2] > Tmax[:,0])
Tmin[:,0] = (Tmin[:,0] * (Tmin[:,2] <= Tmin[:,0]) +
Tmin[:,2] * (Tmin[:,2] > Tmin[:,0]))
Tmax[:,0] = (Tmax[:,0] * (Tmax[:,2] >= Tmax[:,0]) +
Tmax[:,2] * (Tmax[:,2] < Tmax[:,0]))
eliminated3 = (Tmin[:,0] > 1) + (Tmax[:,0] < 0)
return 1 - (eliminated1 + eliminated2 + eliminated3)
[docs] def intersections(self, p0, p1, tol = GLOBAL_TOL):
This method searches for intersections between a given set of line
segments and the Parts included in this Assembly. Please check the
documentation at `:class:~Core.Part` for a better description of its
p0, p1 - numpy.array (N x 3)
Coordinates defining N segments by 2 points (each p0, p1 pair),
which will be tested for intersection with the polygons defined in
the structure.
tol - double
Tolerance used in the criteria for intersection (see documentation
of each implementation)
If no intersections are found. Otherwise returns a list with::
This is used to indicate how far the intersection point is from the
segment starting point, if 0, the intersection is at p0 and if 1,
the intersection is at p1
*Iff* the parameter is > 1 (999), no intersection was found
This is where the intersections are found
This is the index of the triangle where the intersection was found.
If no intersection found, will return 0, *but attention*, the only
way to guarantee that no intersection was found is when the
lineParameter is zero.
The normal vector at the intersection point (if the surface is
defined with normals at vertices, interpolation is performed).
A list with references to this object. This is, in this case,
redundant, but that makes the function signature uniform with the
nlins = np.size(p0,0)
ndim = np.size(p0,1)
lineParameter = np.zeros(nlins) + 999
coordinates = copy.deepcopy(p1)
triangleNumber = np.zeros(nlins)
normalVector = np.zeros((nlins,ndim))
intersectedSurface = np.array([None] * nlins)
for part in self._items:
if part.bounds is not None:
boxTest = self._boundingBoxTest(part.bounds, p0, p1)
if np.sum(boxTest) > 0:
p0_refined = p0[boxTest == 1]
p1_refined = p1[boxTest == 1]
partList] = part.intersections(p0_refined,
# Create a mask of elements which must be substituted
lineParameter_temp = np.zeros(nlins) + 999
lineParameter_temp[boxTest == 1] = lineT
# This mask is used for the arrays that contain the answer
maskLong = lineParameter > lineParameter_temp
# This mask is for the result of part.intersections
maskShort = lineParameter[boxTest == 1] > lineT
lineParameter[maskLong] = lineT[maskShort]
coordinates[maskLong] = coords[maskShort]
triangleNumber[maskLong] = triInd[maskShort]
normalVector[maskLong] = N[maskShort]
intersectedSurface[maskLong] = partList[maskShort]
pass # if nothing was found, nothing was found
return [lineParameter,
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, vector):
This method iterates the translation to all the items found in the list,
making the `:meth:~Core.Component.translate` method be executed through
the whole components tree.
for part in self._items:
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method iterates the rotation to all the items found in the list,
making the `:meth:~Core.Component.rotate` method be executed through
the whole components tree.
for part in self._items:
part.rotate(angle, axis, pivotPoint)
[docs] def clearData(self):
This method iterates the clearData to all the items found in the list,
making the `:meth:~Core.Component.clearData` method be executed through
the whole components tree.
self._bounds = None
for part in self._items:
[docs]class Points(Component):
This class is used for representation of 0D elements, i.e. points
in the 3D space.
*Warning* - do not change the self.bounds
This is an indication
that this class does not take part in ray tracing activities
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'Line '+str(self._id)
self.points = np.array([])
self.connectivity = None
self.color = None
self.opacity = 0.5
self.visible = True
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, vector):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Line is translated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the line is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
self.points = self.points + vector
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a translation is executed before the points
# are defined
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Line is rotated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the line is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
self.points = Utils.rotatePoints(self.points,angle,axis,pivotPoint)
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a rotation is executed before the points
# are defined
[docs] def clearData(self):
In the pure implementation of the line, there are no features to be
deleted when a geometrical operation is executed
[docs]class Line(Component):
This class is used for representation of 1D elements, i.e. lines and curves
in the 3D space.
*Warning* - do not change the self.bounds property value. This is an indication
that this class does not take part in ray tracing activities
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'Line '+str(self._id)
self.points = np.array([])
self.color = None
self.width = None
self.opacity = 0.5
self.visible = True
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, vector):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Line is translated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the line is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
self.points = self.points + vector
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a translation is executed before the points
# are defined
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Line is rotated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the line is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
self.points = Utils.rotatePoints(self.points,angle,axis,pivotPoint)
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a rotation is executed before the points
# are defined
[docs] def clearData(self):
In the pure implementation of the line, there are no features to be
deleted when a geometrical operation is executed
[docs]class Part(Component):
This implementation of the Component class is the representation of a surface
using triangle elements.
This is supposed to be the standard element in np.piVSim, as raytracing with
such surfaces is relatively easy and plotting is also made easy by using
libraries such as VTK, Matplotlib and OpenGL.
Another benefit is the possibility of directly reading this topology from a
STL file, that can be exported from a CAD program.
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'Part ' + str(self.id)
self.points = np.array([])
self.connectivity = np.array([])
self.data = None
self.normals = None
self.color = None
self.opacity = 0.5
self.visible = True
# Ray tracing properties
self.material = Library.IdealMaterial(1)
self.surfaceProperty = Component.OPAQUE
# Variables for raytracing
self.surfaceProperty = Component.OPAQUE
self._bounds = None
self._triangleVectors = None
self._trianglePoints = None
self._triangleNormals = None
self._triVectorsDots = None
This avoids the saving of the specific ray tracing variables, which
can consume a lot of storage while being more or less easy to be
calculated when ray tracing is performed
[docs] def refractiveIndex(self, wavelength = 532e-9):
Returns the index of refraction of the material given the wavelength
(or a list of them)
wavelength : scalar or numpy.array
The wavelength of the incoming light given in *meters*
refractiveIndex : same dimension as wavelength
The index of refraction
return self.material.refractiveIndex(wavelength)
[docs] def bounds(self):
Returns the coordinates of the aligned-to-axis-bounding box
bounds : numpy.array
An array with the following data [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin,
zmax]. Defining a box aligned to axis bounding the Part
if self._bounds is None:
return self._bounds
def triangleVectors(self):
if self._triangleVectors is None:
return self._triangleVectors
def trianglePoints(self):
if self._trianglePoints is None:
return self._trianglePoints
def triangleNormals(self):
if self._triangleNormals is None:
return self._triangleNormals
def triVectorsDots(self):
if self._triVectorsDots is None:
return self._triVectorsDots
def _computeRaytracingData(self):
Computes data that will be used for raytracing, such as::
Points that define a bounding box around the polygon.
Format: [[xmin,ymin,zmin],[xmax,ymax,zmax]]
Vectors defining the triangle sides (V1 and V2), in addition, there
are some products defined to determine if a point in the triangle
plane is inside the triangle or not.
Format: [V1,V2, dot(V1,V1), dot(V1,V2), dot(V2,V2), (UV**2 - UU*VV)]
A shortcut, with the coordinates of each triangle, instead of the
point-connectivity lists
Vectors that are normal to the triangle surfaces (this is needed even
if normals were already determined)
Format: [Normals(raw), Normals(normalized)
if len(self.points) > 0:
xmin = np.min(self.points,0)
xmax = np.max(self.points,0)
self._bounds = np.array([xmin,xmax])
Ptriangles = self.points[self.connectivity]
V1 = Ptriangles[:,1] - Ptriangles[:,0]
V2 = Ptriangles[:,2] - Ptriangles[:,0]
N = np.cross(V1,V2)
Nnorm = Utils.normalize(N)
UU = np.sum(V1*V1,1)
UV = np.sum(V1*V2,1)
VV = np.sum(V2*V2,1)
UVden = (UV**2 - UU*VV)
self._triangleVectors = np.array([V1,V2])
self._triVectorsDots = np.array([UU,UV,VV,UVden])
self._trianglePoints = Ptriangles
self._triangleNormals = np.array([N,Nnorm])
self._bounds = np.zeros((2,3))
[docs] def intersections(self, p0, p1, tol = GLOBAL_TOL):
This is a method used specifically for ray tracing. The method returns
data about the first intersection between line segments and the
polygons defined in the Component. The implementation of the
intersection is given by the inheriting classes.
This method is intended for use in raytracing algorithms, as there is
an initial, fast verification to see if there is a chance of any
triangle in the polygon to be intersected, then, if it is the case,
it executes expensive search.
Special cases when intersecting with individual triangles:
- if line is contained on triangle plane, will ignore
- if intersection is at p0, will not return p0
Algorithm adapted from http://geomalgorithms.com/a06-_intersect-2.html
p0, p1 - numpy.array (N x 3)
Coordinates defining N segments by 2 points (each p0, p1 pair),
which will be tested for intersection with the polygons defined in
the structure.
tol - double
Tolerance used in the criteria for intersection (see documentation
of each implementation)
If no intersections are found. Otherwise returns a list with::
This is used to indicate how far the intersection point is from the
segment starting point, if 0, the intersection is at p0 and if 1,
the intersection is at p1
*Iff* the parameter is > 1 (999), no intersection was found
This is where the intersections are found
This is the index of the triangle where the intersection was found.
If no intersection found, will return 0, *but attention*, the only
way to guarantee that no intersection was found is when the
lineParameter is zero.
The normal vector at the intersection point (if the surface is
defined with normals at vertices, interpolation is performed).
A list with references to this object. This is, in this case,
redundant, but that makes the function signature uniform with the
# Some assertions to guarantee that the input data is correct:
assert p0.ndim == 2 # assert this is a numpy list of coordinates
assert p1.ndim == 2 # assert this is also a numpy list
assert np.size(p0,1) == np.size(p1,1) # assert list lengths are equal
assert np.size(p0,0) == np.size(p1,0) # assert coordinate system is equal
# Start dumb search, step 1 - determine if line intercept triangle plane
# Retrieve data about the triangles (either pre-existing or will be
# calculated once)
Ptriangles = self.trianglePoints
[V1,V2] = self.triangleVectors
[UU,UV,VV,UVden] = self.triVectorsDots
[N,Nnorm] = self.triangleNormals
# Some variable definitions to make latter code more readable:
ntris = np.size(N,0) # Number of triangles in surface
nlins = np.size(p0,0) # Number of lines in surface
V = p1 - p0
# First we need to do a dot product between each vector and all triangle
# normals
V = V.reshape(nlins,1,GLOBAL_NDIM)
den = np.sum(N*V,2)
# When we find a case of den == 0, it means that the line is parallel to
# the triangle, a case which we'll ignore.
# Numpy seems to deal better with infinity than NaN, then:
den[(den == 0)] = np.inf
# We now must find the vector that goes from a triangle point to the
# initial point of the line
P0 = p0.reshape(nlins,1,GLOBAL_NDIM)
V0 = Ptriangles[:,0] - P0
num = np.sum(N*V0,2)
# Now the parameter T can be calculated. The formula is:
# T = N dot V0
# ----------
# N dot V
T = num / den
T_0 = copy.deepcopy(T)
# Now, in order to find the intersection point between the intersection
# plane and the line, we have::
# P = P0 + T*V
T = T.reshape(nlins,ntris,1)
P = P0 + T * V
# Finally we have to check if the points are inside the triangles. This
# is theoretically an easy task, as it's just projecting the vector
# at the triangle sides:
# P0 V2
# o----------->
# \ in /
# \ / beyond U = P - P0
# V1 \ /
# \ / (P)
# \ /
# v
U = P - Ptriangles[:,0]
UW = np.sum(V1 * U,2)
VW = np.sum(V2 * U,2)
S1 = (UV*VW - VV*UW) / UVden
T1 = (UV*UW - UU*VW) / UVden
# Now we have to mark all points that do not lie in the triangles::
# the first line will check if the point is really in the given segment,
# there is an important check to eliminate if the intersection is at
# the beginning of the segment
# The second and third lines check if the point is really at the triangle
[Ii,Ij] = np.nonzero((T_0 <= tol)+(T_0 > 1+tol)+
(S1 < -tol)+(T1 < -tol)+
(S1 + T1 > 1 + tol))
T_0[Ii,Ij] = 999
# Finally, we take only the first intersection of the line with the
# polygon, and arrange data for returning
triangleIndexes = np.argmin(T_0,1)
lineParameters = T_0[range(nlins),triangleIndexes]
intersectionCoords = P[range(nlins),triangleIndexes,:]
# Assures outputs p1 as coordinates, when intersection is not found
intersectionCoords[lineParameters > 1] = p1[lineParameters > 1]
if self.normals is None:
normals = Nnorm[triangleIndexes]
normals = self._calculateNormals(triangleIndexes,
# This, when uncommented, assures that no normals are given if no
# intersection is found
#normals[lineParameters > 1] = 0*normals[lineParameters > 1]
return [lineParameters,
def _calculateNormals(self,triangleIndexes,intersectionCoords):
This method returns a 3-element list corresponding to the normalized
normal vector. It returns the interpolation (using barycentric
coordinates) of the normals on the triangle vertices - use this if
representing lenses, etc
*WARNING* - will return a result even if point is not on the polygon
triangleIndexes : numpy.array (N x 3)
indexes of the triangles vertices (the order is important, otherwise
the normals can be inverted. As this method is vectorized, it is
possible to execute N calculations at the same time.
intersectionCoords : numpy.array (N x 3)
coordinates of the intersection points
result : numpy.array (N x 3)
normal vectors
triangleCoords = self.points[self.connectivity[triangleIndexes]]
normals = self.normals[self.connectivity[triangleIndexes]]
# Calculation of the barycentric coordinates for each point
lambdas = Utils.barycentricCoordinates(intersectionCoords,
# Barycentric interpolation
result = (np.tile(lambdas[:,0],(3,1)).T * np.array(normals[:,0,:]) +
np.tile(lambdas[:,1],(3,1)).T * np.array(normals[:,1,:]) +
np.tile(lambdas[:,2],(3,1)).T * np.array(normals[:,2,:]))
# As a side-effect, normals must be normalized after barycentric interp
result = Utils.normalize(result)
return result
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, vector):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Part is translated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the part is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
vector : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector to translate the component. An array with x, y and z
self.points = self.points + vector
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a translation is executed before the points
# are defined
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method is in charge of updating the position of the point cloud
(provided it exists) when the Part is rotated.
There is an exception handling because there is the possibility that
the part is translated before the points are defined. This is extremely
unlikely, but should not stop the program execution.
In case the surface is defined with normals on vertices (thus making
self.normals not None), these vectors are rotated.
Angle : scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector around which the rotation occurs.
pivotPoint : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Point in space around which the rotation occurs. If not given,
rotates around origin.
self.points = Utils.rotatePoints(self.points,angle,axis,pivotPoint)
except TypeError:
# There is no problem if a rotation is executed before the points
# are defined
if self.normals is not None:
self.normals = Utils.rotateVector(self.normals,angle,axis)
[docs] def clearData(self):
Implement this method whenever your object possesses geometrical
features that are calculated from their interaction with the ambient
(e.g. - any raytraced features). This method is called after all spatial
self._bounds = None
self._triangleVectors = None
self._trianglePoints = None
self._triangleNormals = None
[docs]class Plane(Part):
This is a convenience class that inherits from Part and represents
a rectangle. There are also convenience methods to make coordinate
To navigate in the plane, one can use the following coordinate system:
:math:`\\left[u,v\\right]` , where
:math:`-1 <= u,v <=1`
As a default, the :math:`\\vec{x}` vector is the normal for the triangles.
This class can represent **only** rectangles, so that most of its methods
are greatly simplified. If you need to represent a parallelogram, you
would have to implement your own class.
PARAMETRIC_COORDS = np.array([[+0,-0.5,-0.5],
def __init__(self, dimension = np.array([0,1,1]), fastInit=False):
self.name = 'Plane '+str(self._id)
self.connectivity = np.array([[0,1,2], [0,2,3]])
self.normals = None
self._dimension = dimension
if not fastInit:
def dimension(self):
return self._dimension
[docs] def dimension(self, d):
self._dimension = d
def _resize(self):
Convenience function to position the points of the plane and set
up internal variables
self.points = np.einsum('ij,j->ij',
Plane.PARAMETRIC_COORDS, self.dimension)
self.points = (np.tile(self.points[:,1],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T * self.y +
np.tile(self.points[:,2],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T * self.z)
[docs] def parametricToPhysical(self,coordinates):
Transforms a 2-component vector in the range -1..1 in sensor coordinates
:math:`[u,v] \\rarrow [x,y,z]` (global reference frame)
Vectorization for this method is implemented.
# This is unfortunate, because:
# u = Zcamera
# v = Ycamera
# but the dimension vector is [x,y,z]
coordinates = self.dimension[::-1][:2]*coordinates/2
# print "Coordinates"
# print coordinates
if coordinates.ndim == 1:
# print "ndim == 1"
return self.origin + (coordinates[0] * self.z +
coordinates[1] * self.y)
# print "ndim > 1"
# print np.tile(coordinates[:,0],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T
# print np.tile(coordinates[:,1],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T
return (self.origin +
np.tile(coordinates[:,0],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T * self.z +
np.tile(coordinates[:,1],(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T * self.y)
[docs] def physicalToParametric(self,coords):
Transforms a 3-component coordinates vector to a 2-component vector
which value falls in the range -1..1 in sensor coordinates
:math:`[x,y,z] \\rarrow [u,v]`
Vectorization for this method is implemented.
vector = coords - self.origin
if coords.ndim == 1:
pv = 2*(np.dot(self.y,vector) / self.dimension[1])
pu = 2*(np.dot(self.z,vector) / self.dimension[2])
return np.array([pu,pv])
nvecs = np.size(vector,0)
pu = (np.sum(np.tile(self.z,(nvecs,1).T*vector,1) /
pv = (np.sum(np.tile(self.y,(nvecs,1).T*vector,1) /
return 2*np.array([pu,pv]).T
[docs]class Volume(Part):
This class is used to represent a general hexahedron. Even though some
methods will force it to become a cuboid (where all angles are right), such
* :meth:`~Core.Volume.width`
* :meth:`~Core.Volume.depth`
* :meth:`~Core.Volume.heigth`
* :meth:`~Core.Volume.dimension`
These methods can be safely ignored a set of points can be directly given,
allowing quadrilaterally-faced hexas to be represented (check
`Wikipedia's article <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexahedron>`_ for more
PARAMETRIC_COORDS = np.array([[+0,+0.5,+0.5],
def __init__(self, dimension = np.array([1,1,1]), fastInit=False):
This is another convenience class to represent volumes (a hexahedron).
The point numbering convention is::
/ /| (X)
/ / | ^
7--------4 | |
| | | +-> (Z)
| 2 | 1 /
| | / v
| |/ (Y)
self.name = 'Volume '+str(self._id)
self._dimension = dimension
# normals pointing outside
self.connectivity = np.array([[1,4,0],[1,5,4], # normal +z
[7,2,3],[7,6,2], # normal -z
[0,7,3],[0,4,7], # normal +y
[6,5,1],[6,1,2], # normal -y
[4,6,7],[4,5,6], # normal +x
[0,3,2],[2,1,0]]) # normal -x
self.normals = None
if not fastInit:
def dimension(self):
return self._dimension
def dimension(self, d):
self._dimension = d
def _resize(self):
self.points = Volume.PARAMETRIC_COORDS * np.tile(self.dimension,(8,1))
self.points =((np.reshape(self.points[:,0],(8,1,1)) * self.x).squeeze()+
(np.reshape(self.points[:,1],(8,1,1)) * self.y).squeeze()+
(np.reshape(self.points[:,2],(8,1,1)) * self.z).squeeze())
[docs] def expand(self, factor):
Inflates the volume by "factor"
center = np.mean(self.points,0)
for n in range(np.size(self.points,0)):
self.points[n] = self.points[n] + factor*(self.points[n] - center)
[docs] def physicalToParametric(self, c):
Transforms a vector or a list of vectors in parametric coordinates with
the following properties:
[x,y,z] (global) -> [x',y',z'] (parametrical)
0 <= x',y',z' <= 1 if [x,y,z] lies inside the volume
return Utils.hexaInterpolation(c,
[docs] def parametricToPhysical(self, p):
Transforms a vector or a list of vectors in parametric coordinates with
the following properties:
[x,y,z] (global) -> [x',y',z'] (parametrical)
0 <= x',y',z' <= 1 if [x,y,z] lies inside the volume
return Utils.hexaInterpolation(p,
[docs] def pointInHexa(self,p):
This is intended as a lightweigth test for checking if a point (or
a set of them) lies inside an hexahedron. This uses the algorithm
implemented in :mod:`Utils`.
p : numpy.array (N,3)
A collection of points
result : numpy.array (N)
An array with "1" corresponding to points in the hexa or "0"
return Utils.pointInHexa(p,self.points)
[docs] def interpolate(self, p, verify = True):
This is a convienience function to interpolate the data in the ".data"
field of this object. As the field is not under surveillance, it is
the responsibility of the user to ensure that the field contains a
numpy.array with the shape (M,8), i.e. one data point for each
p : numpy.array (N,3)
A collection of points
verify : boolean (True)
Verifies if the point is contained in the hexa defined by the
edges. If not, the corresponding row of result will be zeroed out
result : numpy.array (N,M)
An array with the data from the field ".data" interpolated
if not verify:
return Utils.hexaInterpolation(p, self.points, self.data)
return np.einsum("ij,i->ij",
Utils.hexaInterpolation(p, self.points, self.data),
[docs]class RayBundle(Assembly):
This class represents an arbitrary number of light rays. The reason for
having them wrapped in a single class is that it allows full vectorization
of the raytracing procedure.
This can be called a disposable class
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'Bundle ' + str(self._id)
self.material = None
# Ray tracing configuration
self.maximumRayTrace = 10
self.stepRayTrace = 10
self.preAllocatedSteps = 10
self.wavelength = None
self.startingPoints = None
self.initialVectors = None
# Ray tracing statistics
self.rayPaths = None
self.rayLastVectors = None
self.rayIntersections = None
self.rayLength = None
self.steps = None
self.finalIntersections = None
def bounds(self): return None
[docs] def append(self, initialVector, initialPosition = None, wavelength = 532e-9):
This method is used to append new rays in the bundle.
initialVector : numpy.array (N x 3)
if N rays are given, each element is the initial vector for ray
tracing of each ray
initialPosition : numpy.array (N x 3)
if no parameter is passed, rays will depart from the origin of the
bundle. Otherwise they will depart from the given points. If N
points were given, a single common starting point can be given
wavelength : numpy.array (N)
the wavelength of the rays in meters (this changes the color and
the behavior of the rays, if any dispersing element is present in
the simulation
* If the starting point is omitted, it will assume that the rays
departs from the origin of the bundle
* This method was not made to be efficient in a loop (there are many
checks), so it should be used ideally only once to append all rays
* This method destroys data that was already ray-traced, if any
1) A single ray is inserted::
>>> bundle = RayBundle()
>>> bundle.append(np.array([1,0,0]), np.array([0,0,0]))
2) Several rays are inserted, each with a starting point::
>>> bundle.append(np.array([[1,0,0],[1,0,0]]),
... np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1]]))
3) Several rays are inserted, with a common starting point::
>>> bundle.append(np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]],
... np.array([0,0,0]))
# clear data, as it would be really difficult to manage rays with
# different number of points
# Determine how many vectors were received
if initialVector.ndim == 1:
nrays = 1
assert len(initialVector) == GLOBAL_NDIM
nrays = np.size(initialVector,0)
# Adjust initialPosition according to the given conditions
if initialPosition is None:
initPos = np.tile(self.origin, (nrays,1))
if initialPosition.ndim == 1 and nrays > 1:
initPos = np.tile(initialPosition, (nrays,1))
initPos = initialPosition
# properly add the newly received vectors to the stack
if self.startingPoints is not None:
self.startingPoints = np.vstack(self.startingPoints, initPos)
self.initialVectors = np.vstack(self.initialVectors, initialVector)
self.startingPoints = initPos
self.initialVectors = initialVector
# create the new storage for ray paths
self.rayPaths = copy.deepcopy(self.startingPoints)
# This looks not careful, but in reality enforces that wavelength
# is either scalar or the same length as the startingPoints
self.wavelength = np.ones(np.size(self.startingPoints,0)) * wavelength
[docs] def delete(self, n):
This method is not implemented, and is present only to respect the
Assembly interface. As deleting a single ray requires many matrix
reshapings, it is better to clear all the data and redo the ray
return NotImplementedError
[docs] def clear(self):
Removes all rays and ray tracing data from the bundle.
self.wavelength = None
self.startingPoints = None
self.initialVectors = None
[docs] def translateImplementation(self, translation):
This method changes the rays starting points, and waits for clear data
to delete all ray tracing related information.
translation : numpy.array (3)
A [dx, dy, dz] vector
self.startingPoints = self.startingPoints + translation
except TypeError:
pass # there might be no starting points registered
[docs] def rotateImplementation(self, angle, axis, pivotPoint):
This method rotates the starting points and deletes all ray tracing
data, because a rotation or a translation of light
rays may completely change the light paths.
Angle : scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Vector around which the rotation occurs.
pivotPoint : numpy.array (1 x 3)
Point in space around which the rotation occurs. If not given,
rotates around origin.
self.startingPoints = Utils.rotatePoints(self.startingPoints,
angle, axis, pivotPoint)
self.initialVectors = Utils.rotateVector(self.initialVectors,
angle, axis)
except TypeError:
[docs] def trace(self, tracingRule = TRACING_FOV, restart = False):
A method for starting ray tracing. The bundle must be included in the
environment assembly where ray tracing will be done (the position,
however, is not important)
this parameter tells if ray tracing should stop at opaque surfaces
(this is the case when tracing to determine the field of view) or
not (to trace for laser safety calculations)
If the bundle is not inserted in an assembly, this error will be
# Make sure everything is clear
nrays = np.size(self.startingPoints, 0)
if restart:
# Memorize scope variables
currVector = self.rayLastVectors
step = self.steps
rayPoints = self.rayPaths
rayIntersc = self.rayIntersections
# Reallocate vectors
rayPoints = Utils.reallocateArray(rayPoints,
rayIntersc = Utils.reallocateArray(rayIntersc,
distance = self.rayLength
surfaceRef = self.finalIntersections
# Shortcut to the number of rays being traced:
# Initialize variables
distance = np.zeros(nrays)
currVector = copy.deepcopy(self.initialVectors)
self.finalIntersections = np.empty(nrays,dtype='object')
self.rayLastVectors = copy.deepcopy(self.initialVectors)
# Do matrix pre-allocation to store ray paths
rayPoints = np.empty((self.preAllocatedSteps, nrays, GLOBAL_NDIM),
rayIntersc = np.empty((self.preAllocatedSteps, nrays, 1),
step = 0
rayPoints[0,:,:] = copy.deepcopy(self.startingPoints)
stepsize = np.ones(nrays) * self.stepRayTrace
stepsize[distance + stepsize >
self.maximumRayTrace] = (self.maximumRayTrace -
distance[distance + stepsize >
rayPoints[step+1,:,:] = (rayPoints[step,:,:] +
# Routine to find the top element in the hierarchy
if self.parent is None:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find parent element. " +
"Is this bundle really inside an assembly?")
topComponent = self
while topComponent.parent is not None:
topComponent = topComponent.parent
# Ray tracing loop
while np.sum(stepsize) > GLOBAL_TOL:
# Increase matrix size (if this is done too often, performance is
# really, really bad. So adjust self.preAllocatedSteps wisely
if step + 2 >= np.size(rayPoints,0):
rayPoints = Utils.reallocateArray(rayPoints,
rayIntersc = Utils.reallocateArray(rayIntersc,
# Ask for the top assembly to intersect the rays with the whole
# Component tree, will receive results only for the first
# intersection of each ray
[t, coords, _, N,
surfaceRef] = topComponent.intersections(rayPoints[step],
self.finalIntersections[t <= 1] = surfaceRef[t <= 1]
rayIntersc[step+1,:,:] = np.reshape(surfaceRef,(nrays,1))
# Calculate the distance ran by the rays
distance = (distance +
t * (t <= 1) * stepsize + (t > 1) * stepsize)
# Calculate the next vectors
currVector = self._calculateNextVectors(currVector,
t, N,
self.rayLastVectors[Utils.norm(currVector) > 0] = \
currVector[Utils.norm(currVector) > 0]
# Calculate next step size
# stepsize = ((self.stepRayTrace *
# (distance + self.stepRayTrace <= self.maximumRayTrace)+
# (self.maximumRayTrace - distance) *
# (distance + self.stepRayTrace > self.maximumRayTrace)))#*
# #Utils.norm(currVector))
stepsize[distance + stepsize >
self.maximumRayTrace] = \
(self.maximumRayTrace - distance)[distance + stepsize >
# Calculate next inputs:
step = step + 1
rayPoints[step] = coords
rayPoints[step+1] = (rayPoints[step] +
currVector *
# Now, clean up the mess with the preallocated matrix:
self.rayPaths = rayPoints[range(step+1)]
self.rayIntersections = rayIntersc[range(step+1)]
# Save ray tracing statistics
self.rayLength = distance
self.steps = step
self.finalIntersections = surfaceRef
# And create lines to represent the rays
if restart:
for n in range(nrays):
self._items[n].points = self.rayPaths[:,n,:]
self._items = np.empty(nrays,"object")
for n in range(nrays):
self._items[n] = Line()
self._items[n].parent = self
self._items[n].points = self.rayPaths[:,n,:]
self._items[n].color = Utils.metersToRGB(self.wavelength[n])
def _calculateNextVectors(self, currVector, t, N, surface, tracingRule):
A method to calculate the vectors to continue ray tracing. This includes
the logic of determining if the tracing stops at opaque interfaces or
currVector : numpy.array (N x 3)
The current ray path
t : numpy.array (N)
The position of the intersection given by the equation
p = p0 + t*(p1 - p0). The value of t must be between zero
(exclusive) and 1 (inclusive) to be considered valid.
N : numpy.array (N x 3)
The normal vector of the intersected surface
surface : numpy.array(N) of Components
The references to the intersected surfaces
This parameter tells if ray tracing should stop at opaque surfaces
(this is the case when tracing to determine the field of view) or
not (to trace for laser safety calculations)
vectors : numpy.array (N x 3)
the vectors indicating the direction that ray paths must continue
in ray tracing
If the norm(N) or norm(currVector) is not 1.
# Returns same vector if no intersection was found
if (t > 1 + GLOBAL_TOL).all():
return currVector
# Keep these assertions here if you are unsure that you are getting
# the correct input data
assert(Utils.aeq(N, Utils.normalize(N)))
assert(Utils.aeq(currVector, Utils.normalize(currVector)))
# Calculate as if all rays were reflected
reflected = currVector - (2 * N *
np.tile(np.sum(N * currVector,1),
# Calculate refractions
# Important calculation:
NdotV = np.sum(currVector * N, 1)
# Properties:
# NdotV < 0 => Ray entering the surface (normals point outwards)
# NdotV > 0 => Ray exiting the surface
# NdotV = 0 => Should not happen, as the intersection algorithm
# rejects that. Spurious cases will be filtered later
Nsurf = np.zeros_like(surface)
Nparent = np.zeros_like(surface)
N1 = np.ones_like(surface)
N2 = np.ones_like(surface)
surfaceProperty = np.zeros(len(surface))
#cosTheta1 = -NdotV
for n, surf in enumerate(surface):
if surf is not None:
Nsurf[n] = surf.refractiveIndex(self.wavelength[n])
Nparent[n] = surf.parent.refractiveIndex(self.wavelength[n])
surfaceProperty[n] = surf.surfaceProperty
# If entering surface, N1 is the external index of refraction, N2 is
# the internal
N1[(NdotV < 0) * (t <= 1)] = Nparent[(NdotV < 0) * (t <= 1)]
N2[(NdotV < 0) * (t <= 1)] = Nsurf[ (NdotV < 0) * (t <= 1)]
# and vice versa
N1[(NdotV > 0) * (t <= 1)] = Nsurf[ (NdotV > 0) * (t <= 1)]
N2[(NdotV > 0) * (t <= 1)] = Nparent[(NdotV > 0) * (t <= 1)]
# formulation taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snell's_law
cosTheta2 = 1 - (1 - NdotV**2) * ((N1 / N2) ** 2)
cosTheta2[cosTheta2 >= 0] = cosTheta2[cosTheta2 >= 0]**0.5
refracted = (np.tile(N1/N2,(GLOBAL_NDIM,1)).T * currVector +
((N1/N2)*np.abs(NdotV) - cosTheta2),
refracted = Utils.normalize(refracted)
# Big if block to sort the cases out
# First, assume rays were undisturbed:
result = currVector
# Then substitute those who were successfully refracted / pass through
result[(cosTheta2 <= 1 + GLOBAL_TOL) *
(surfaceProperty == Part.TRANSPARENT)] = Utils.normalize(
refracted[(cosTheta2 <= 1 + GLOBAL_TOL)*
(surfaceProperty == Part.TRANSPARENT)])
# Then zero those rays who found a dump
if tracingRule == RayBundle.TRACING_FOV:
result[(surfaceProperty == Part.OPAQUE) +
(surfaceProperty == Part.DUMP)] = 0 * result[(surfaceProperty == Part.OPAQUE) +
(surfaceProperty == Part.DUMP)]
result[(surfaceProperty == Part.DUMP)] = 0 * result[(surfaceProperty == Part.DUMP)]
result[(surfaceProperty == Part.OPAQUE)] = reflected[(surfaceProperty == Part.OPAQUE)]
# Then put reflected rays
result[(surfaceProperty == Part.MIRROR)] = reflected[(surfaceProperty == Part.MIRROR)]
# Total internal reflection
result[(cosTheta2 < 0)*
(surfaceProperty == Part.TRANSPARENT)] = reflected[(cosTheta2 < 0)*
(surfaceProperty == Part.TRANSPARENT)]
return result
[docs] def clearData(self):
This method removes all elements from the self.items list and the ray
self.items = np.array([])
self.rayPaths = copy.deepcopy(self.startingPoints)
self.rayLength = None
self.steps = None
if __name__=="__main__":
Code for unit testing basic functionality of classes in the Core module
print ""
print "*********************************************************************"
print "********** pyvsim primitives module unit test ************"
print "*********************************************************************"
# Simplified geometry creation - cube
points = [[0,0,0],
# normals pointing outside
conn = [[5,7,4],[5,6,7], # normal +z
[3,2,1],[0,3,1], # normal -z
[3,6,2],[6,3,7], # normal +y
[1,5,4],[4,0,1], # normal -y
[5,1,6],[1,2,6], # normal +x
[7,0,4],[7,3,0]] # normal -x
# Create values for putting normals at edges
edgenormals = []
for n in range(8):
norm = points[n] - np.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
norm = norm/np.sqrt(np.dot(norm,norm))
edgenormals = np.array(edgenormals)
print "******* Creation of the part and an assembly containing it ********"
part = Part()
part.points = np.array(points)
part.connectivity = np.array(conn)
assembly = Assembly()
assembly += part
print "Successfully created a project tree"
print part.name
print assembly.name
# Test refraction coefficient
print "************ Index of refraction calculation ******************"
part.refractiveIndexConstant = 1
assert Utils.aeq(part.refractiveIndex(532e-9), 1)
sellmeierCoeffs = np.array([[1.03961212, 0.00600069867],
[0.23179234, 0.02001791440],
[1.01046945, 103.560653000]])
part.material = Library.Glass(sellmeierCoeffs)
assert Utils.aeq(part.refractiveIndex(532e-9), 1.51947, 1e-3)
assert Utils.aeq(part.refractiveIndex(486e-9), 1.52238, 1e-3)
assert Utils.aeq(part.refractiveIndex(np.ones(10)*532e-9),
np.ones(10)*1.51947, 1e-3)
print "************ Intersection test ******************"
# hit miss hit miss
p0 = [[0.5,0.5,-1], [1.5,1.5,-1], [0.999999,2 ,0.999999],[-1,-1e-6,-1e-6]]
p1 = [[0.5,0.5, 2], [1.5,1.5, 2], [1 ,-1,1 ],[ 2, 0, 0]]
t0 = [ 0, 10, 0, 10]
p0 = np.array(p0)
p1 = np.array(p1)
t0 = np.array(t0)
# Parameter for the speed test
repetitions = 1000
cases = np.size(p0,0)
triangles = np.size(part.points,0)
tic = Utils.Tictoc()
# Verify that the intersections were correctly found
[t, coords, inds, norms, refs] = part.intersections(p0, p1, GLOBAL_TOL)
assert sum((t > t0))
# Assert that the assembly will give exactly the same answer as the part
[t2, coords2, inds2, norms2, refs2] = assembly.intersections(p0, p1,
assert Utils.aeq(t,t2)
assert Utils.aeq(coords,coords2)
assert Utils.aeq(inds,inds2)
print "************* Intersection performance test ******************"
p0 = np.tile(p0, (repetitions,1))
p1 = np.tile(p1, (repetitions,1))
t0 = np.tile(t0, repetitions)
print "Intersections with line using the method from Core.Part"
_ = part.bounds # This forces the pre-calcs for raytracing (optional)
[t, coords, inds, norms, refs] = part.intersections(p0, p1, GLOBAL_TOL)
assert sum((t > t0))
print "Intersections with line using the method from Core.Assembly"
[t2, coords2, inds2, norms2, refs2] = assembly.intersections(p0, p1,
assert Utils.aeq(t,t2)
assert Utils.aeq(coords,coords2)
assert Utils.aeq(inds,inds2)
print "Intersections with line using the method after random rotation"
angle = np.random.rand()
axis = np.array([1,1,1]) / np.linalg.norm(np.array([1,1,1]))
pivot = assembly.origin
p0 = Utils.rotatePoints(p0,angle,axis,pivot)
p1 = Utils.rotatePoints(p1,angle,axis,pivot)
_ = part.bounds
[t, coords, inds, norms, refs] = assembly.intersections(p0, p1, GLOBAL_TOL)
assert Utils.aeq(t, t2)
print "Reference result from pyVSim v.0 - 71500 polygon intersection/s"
# Testing the provided normals
print "************ Normal vector calculation test ******************"
assembly.rotate(-angle, axis,pivot)
p0 = [[0.5,0.5,-1.], [0.5,0.5,0.5], [-1,0.5,0.5], [.5,0.5,0.5]]
p1 = [[0.5,0.5,0.5], [0.5,0.5,1.5], [.5,0.5,0.5], [2.,0.5,0.5]]
t0 = [[0,0,-1], [0,0,1], [-1,0,0], [1,0,0]]
p0 = np.array(p0)
p1 = np.array(p1)
t0 = np.array(t0)
[t, coords, inds, norms, refs] = assembly.intersections(p0, p1, GLOBAL_TOL)
assert Utils.aeq(norms, t0)
# Test of interpolated normals (result must be the same)
part.normals = edgenormals
[t, coords, inds, norms, refs] = assembly.intersections(p0, p1, GLOBAL_TOL)
assert Utils.aeq(norms,t0)
# Testing of the ray bundle class
print "************ Basic ray tracing test ******************"
part.terminalOnFOVCalculation = False
part.terminalAlways = False
part.reflectAlways = False
part.lightSource = False
print "Items:"
print assembly
bundle = RayBundle()
assembly += bundle
print "Tracing ray bundle"
print "Pre allocated steps : ", bundle.preAllocatedSteps
print "Step ray trace : ", bundle.stepRayTrace
print "Ray lengths : ", bundle.rayLength
print "Number of steps : ", bundle.steps
# print bundle.rayPaths[-1]
bundle.preAllocatedSteps = 10
bundle.stepRayTrace = 5
print "Tracing ray bundle"
print "Pre allocated steps : ", bundle.preAllocatedSteps
print "Step ray trace : ", bundle.stepRayTrace
# print bundle.startingPoints
# print bundle.initialVectors
bundle.rotate(np.pi/4, np.array([0,0,1]))
# print bundle.initialVectors
print "Ray lengths : ", bundle.rayLength
print "Number of steps : ", bundle.steps
# print bundle.rayPaths[-1]
print "************ Testing geometrical operations ******************"
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-1,-1],
m = Plane()
assert Utils.aeq(m.origin, np.zeros(3))
assert Utils.aeq(m.x, np.eye(3)[0])
assert Utils.aeq(m.y, np.eye(3)[1])
assert Utils.aeq(m.z, np.eye(3)[2])
coords = m.parametricToPhysical(np.array([[0,0],[1,1],[-1,-1]]))
assert Utils.aeq(coords[0], np.zeros(3))
assert Utils.aeq(coords[1], m.parametricToPhysical(np.array([1,1])))
assert Utils.aeq(coords[2], m.parametricToPhysical(np.array([-1,-1])))
print m.points
print theorypoints
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
print "testing translation"
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-0,-0],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
print "testing rotation aroung axis passing through origin"
theorypoints = np.array([[0,+1,-1],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-1,-1],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
theorypoints = np.array([[-1,-1,-0],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
assert Utils.aeq(m.x, np.array([0,0,-1]))
print "testing the align to axis function"
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-1,-1],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-1,+1],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
theorypoints = np.array([[0,-1,-1],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
print "testing rotation by axis off-origin"
theorypoints = np.array([[0,+1.5,+1.5],
assert Utils.aeq(m.points, theorypoints)
print "************ END OF TESTS ******************"