Source code for pyvsim.Toolbox

.. module :: Toolbox
    :platform: Unix, Windows
    :synopsis: Equipment model
This module packs models for equipment usually employed in PIV measurements.

.. moduleauthor :: Ricardo Entz <maiko at>

.. license::
    PyVSim v.1
    Copyright 2013 Ricardo Entz
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import Utils
import Primitives
import MieUtils
from scipy.special import erf, gammainc
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp1d
import warnings
import gdal
import Core

MEMSIZE     = 1e6
STD_PARAM   = 0.040
GLOBAL_TOL  = 1e-8

[docs]class Mirror(Primitives.Plane): """ This class initializes a 1x1m mirror, which can be resized by the methods:: * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.dimension` (preferred); or * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.length` * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.heigth` """ def __init__(self): Primitives.Plane.__init__(self) = 'Mirror '+str(self._id) self.surfaceProperty = self.MIRROR
[docs]class Dump(Primitives.Plane): """ This class initializes a 1x1m beam dump, that will stop any ray that arrives at it. * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.dimension` (preferred); or * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.length` * :meth:`~Primitives.Plane.heigth` """ def __init__(self): Primitives.Plane.__init__(self) = 'Dump '+str(self._id) self.surfaceProperty = self.DUMP
[docs]class Sensor(Primitives.Plane): """ This class describes a sensor. It is responsible for determining the size of the camera field of view and also for recording particles. The particle recording behavior is similar to the one described by Lecordier and Westerweel in their `synthetic image generator <>`_ . Some features can be easily implemented such as: * Quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength (as the recording function receives the wavelength as a parameter) * Light field measurement (the "virtualData" field can be used to store more data) But were not implemented until now. """ def __init__(self): """ --|----------------------------------> | | z | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v ___________________________| y """ Primitives.Plane.__init__(self) = 'Sensor '+str(self._id) # self.heigth = 0.024 x y z self.dimension = np.array([0, 0.0090, 0.0122]) # self.dimension = np.array([0, 0.024, 0.036]) # # ROW # COLUMN # #0.0089 0.0118 self.resolution = np.array([1200, 1600]) self.pixelSize = np.array([7.40, 7.40])*1e-6 self.fillRatio = np.array([0.75, 0.75]) self.fullWellCapacity = 40e3 self.quantumEfficiency = 0.5 self.gain = 2.1 #photons / count self.bitDepth = 14 self.backgroundMeanLevel = 244 self.backgroundNoiseStd = 50 self.rawData = None self.saturationData = None self.deadPixels = None self.hotPixels = None self.virtualData = None self.color = [1,0,0] self.clear()
[docs] def display(self,colormap='jet'): """ This function displays what is currently recorded in the camera sensor. """ plt.figure(facecolor = [1,1,1]) #imgplot = plt.imshow(self.readSensor()/(-1+2**self.bitDepth)) imgplot = plt.imshow(self.readSensor()) imgplot.set_cmap(colormap) imgplot.set_interpolation('none') plt.colorbar()
[docs] def createDeadPixels(self,probability): """ Creates a dead/hot pixel mapping for the sensor reading simulation """ deathMap = np.random.rand(self.resolution[0],self.resolution[1]) self.deadPixels = deathMap > probability*0.5 self.hotPixels = deathMap > 1 - probability*0.5
[docs] def clear(self): """ Initializes sensor with gaussian noise, the distribution parameters are given by: * backgroundMeanLevel - the mean value * backgroundNoiseVar - the variance of the distribution To handle negative values, only the absolute value is taken into account """ self.rawData = np.abs(self.backgroundMeanLevel + self.backgroundNoiseStd * np.random.randn(self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1]))
[docs] def readSensor(self): """ Returns the sensor reading in counts, creating quantization noise and saturating the signal where appropriate. This also simulates dead pixels, if there is a dead pixel mapping The readout noise, however, should be included in the background noise property of the class """ s = self.rawData / self.fullWellCapacity if self.deadPixels is not None: s = s * self.deadPixels s = s + self.hotPixels self.saturationData = (s > 1) # Corrects if any place is less than zero (may happen due to noise) s = s - s*(s < 0) # Corrects saturations s = s - (s-1)*(s > 1) # Return result as counts: return np.round(s*(-1+2**self.bitDepth))
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Writes the sensor data in a 16-bit TIFF file (which is compatible with some mainstream PIV software) Parameters ---------- filename : string The file name and path (including the extension) """ data = self.readSensor().astype(np.uint16) dr = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") outDs = dr.Create(filename, int(self.resolution[1]), int(self.resolution[0]), 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) outBand = outDs.GetRasterBand(1) outBand.WriteArray(data) outBand.FlushCache() outBand.SetNoDataValue(-99) # This seems to be the wonderful way of gdal to close files, sorry dr = None outDs = None outBand = None
[docs] def parametricToSensor(self, param_coords): """ From the parametric coordinates :math:`\\\overline{U,V}`, which range is :math:`[-1..1]`, calculates the sensor coordinates in meters, so the algorithm is basically multiplying by the sensor size. Parameters ---------- param_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1. Returns ------- sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The sensor coordinates in meters """ dim_uv = self.dimension[1:][::-1]/2 uvlist = np.einsum("ij,j->ij",param_coords,dim_uv) return uvlist
[docs] def sensorToParametric(self, sensor_coords): """ Transform sensor coordinates :math:`(U,V)` in meters to parametric coordinates, :math:`(\\\overline{U},\\\overline{V})`. Parameters ---------- param_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1. Returns ------- sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The sensor coordinates in meters """ dim_uv = 2/self.dimension[1:][::-1] uvlist = np.einsum("ij,j->ij",sensor_coords,dim_uv) return uvlist
[docs] def sensorToPhysical(self, sensor_coords): """ Transform sensor coordinates :math:`(U,V)` in meters to world coordinates Parameters ---------- param_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1. Returns ------- sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray (N,3) The sensor coordinates in meters """ return self.parametricToPhysical(self.sensorToParametric(sensor_coords))
[docs] def sensorToPixel(self, coords): """ Transforms (normalized) parametric coordinates into pixel position on the sensor. There is an inversion of the UV columns because of the unfortunate parametric coordinate system that maps: u -> sensor.z v -> sensor.y Parameters ---------- coords : numpy.ndarray (N,3) The position in the sensor in normalized coordinates (range -1..1) Returns ------- pixels : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column] DOES NOT CHECK IF OUTSIDE SENSOR BOUNDARIES!!! """ return self.parametricToPixel(self.sensorToParametric(coords))
[docs] def parametricToPixel(self,coordinates): """ Transforms (normalized) parametric coordinates into pixel position on the sensor. There is an inversion of the UV columns because of the unfortunate parametric coordinate system that maps: u -> sensor.z v -> sensor.y Parameters ---------- coords : numpy.ndarray (N,3) The position in the sensor in normalized coordinates (range -1..1) Returns ------- pixels : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column] DOES NOT CHECK IF OUTSIDE SENSOR BOUNDARIES!!! """ return 0.5*(coordinates[:,::-1]+1)*self.resolution
[docs] def physicalToPixel(self,coords): """ Transforms world coordinates into a position in the sensor, given in pixels Parameters ---------- coords : numpy.ndarray (N,3) The position in world coordinates Returns ------- pixels : numpy.ndarray (N,2) The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column] DOES NOT CHECK IF OUTSIDE SENSOR BOUNDARIES!!! """ return self.physicalToParametric(coords)*self.resolution
def _recordParticles(self,coords,energy,wavelength,diameter): """ coords - [u,v] sensor coordinates of the recorded point energy - J - energy which is captured by the lenses wavelength - m - illumination wavelength diameter - m - particle image diameter Writes the diffraction-limited image of a particle to the sensor. This logic was described by Lecordier and Westerweel on the SIG publication The method is vectorized, but that demands the creation of very large tensors (X, Y, gX0, gX1, gY0, gY1), which can lead to a crash of the python intepreter. This is one of the reasons that control of this function is given to the public readSensor method. Another issue is the masksize parameter. This determines the dimensions of the tensor, which are:: [np of particles, masksize[0], masksize[1]] This is because the tensors can be seen as a pile of "stickers" each with a particle image on them. Then they are "glued" to the sensor at the correct position. The masksize must be big enough that the largest particle image will still fit to the "sticker". However, an evaluation of the error funcion (which is the integral of the gaussian profile) is executed 4 times for each element of the tensors. So, if we have one very large image and many small ones, we waste a lot of computing pulseEnergy. Do not forget the sign convention for the image --|----------------------------------> | | z | | | A____________ | | | | | | | | | A = anchor | | C | | C = particle center | | | | | |____________| | v ___________________________| y When particle image is partially out of the image limits, the computation is done over a partially useless domain, but remains correct. --|----------------------------------> | | z | | | | | A____________| | | | A = anchor | | | C = particle center | | | | | | v ______________|___________C| y The program performs an integration of a 2D gaussian distribution over the sensitive areas of the pixel (defined by the fill ratio). """ # Classical formula E = h*c h = 6.62607e-34 J*s # --------- c = 299 792 458 m/s # lambda photonEnergy = 6.62607e-34*299792458/wavelength totalPhotons = energy / photonEnergy sX = (diameter/self.pixelSize[0])*(0.44/1.22) sY = (diameter/self.pixelSize[1])*(0.44/1.22) # # Filtering useless results # npts = np.size(coords,0) killist = (range(1,npts+1)* (coords[:,0] <= 1.01) * (coords[:,0] >= -1.01) * (coords[:,1] <= 1.01) * (coords[:,1] >= -1.01) * ((totalPhotons / (sX * sY)) > 1)) killist = np.nonzero(killist)[0] if np.size(killist) < 1: return if np.size(killist) != np.size(diameter): diameter2 = diameter[killist] coords2 = coords[killist] totalPhotons = totalPhotons[killist] sX = sX[killist] sY = sY[killist] else: diameter2 = diameter coords2 = coords pixels = self.sensorToPixel(coords2) # # Auxiliary variables for vectorization # npts = np.size(coords2,0) totalPhotons = np.reshape(totalPhotons,(npts,1,1)) pixelX = np.reshape(pixels[:,0],(npts,1,1)) pixelY = np.reshape(pixels[:,1],(npts,1,1)) sX = np.reshape(sX,(npts,1,1)) sY = np.reshape(sY,(npts,1,1)) frX = self.fillRatio[0] frY = self.fillRatio[1] # this masksize guarantees that the particle image will not be cropped # when the particle size is too small # # here we take only the worst case masksize = np.zeros(2) masksize[0] = np.max(np.round(2.25*diameter2/self.pixelSize[0])) masksize[1] = np.max(np.round(2.25*diameter2/self.pixelSize[1])) masksize[masksize < 3] = 3 masksize[masksize > np.min(self.resolution)] = np.min(self.resolution) # Defines the anchor position (cf. documentation above) anchor = np.round(pixels - masksize/2) # Important to verify if anchor will not force an incorrect matrix addition # Case anchor has negative elements, stick them to the pixel zero anchor[anchor < 0] = 0 * anchor[anchor < 0] # Case anchor element is out of the matrix boundaries anchor[:,0][anchor[:,0] + masksize[0] > self.resolution[0]] = (self.resolution - masksize)[0] anchor[:,1][anchor[:,1] + masksize[1] > self.resolution[1]] = (self.resolution - masksize)[1] anchorX = anchor[:,0] anchorY = anchor[:,1] anchorX = np.reshape(anchorX, (npts,1,1)) anchorY = np.reshape(anchorY, (npts,1,1)) [Y,X] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(masksize[0]),np.arange(masksize[1])) X = X + anchorX - pixelX Y = Y + anchorY - pixelY # Magic Airy integral, in fact this is a 2D integral on the sensitive # area of the pixel (defined by the fill ratio) gX0 = erf((X - 0.5 * frX)*2/sX) gX1 = erf((X + 0.5 * frX)*2/sX) gY0 = erf((Y - 0.5 * frY)*2/sY) gY1 = erf((Y + 0.5 * frY)*2/sY) level = (0.5*((gX1-gX0)*(gY1-gY0))* totalPhotons * self.quantumEfficiency / self.gain) for (n, (ax,ay)) in enumerate(anchor): self.rawData[ax:ax+masksize[0],ay:ay+masksize[1]] += level[n]
[docs] def recordParticles(self, coords, energy, wavelength, diameter, ignoreLarge = 0.2): """ coords - [u,v] sensor coordinates of the recorded point energy - J - energy which is captured by the lenses wavelength - m - illumination wavelength diameter - m - particle image diameter This is the front-end of the _recordParticle method, its main input is an array of sensor coordinates, representing the particle image centers. The other inputs can be either arrays (e.g. for particle with varying diameters) or scalars (e.g. for all particles with same diameter). It is more or less obvious that the arrays must have the same length as the coordinate arrays. Another issue is that the recording is much less efficient when particle image sizes varying size (the source of this issue is at the _recordParticles documentation). So some tricks (such as sorting by particle size) are used to reduce this effect. This procedure is made when the standard deviation exceeds 1/10th of the particle diameter (ajustable by the STD_PARAM constant at the beginning of the module). Finally, as the recording itself is vectorized, but uses too much memory, it is made in steps. If you find problems too often, adjust the following constants at the header of this module:: MEMSIZE - maximum acceptable number of elements in a numpy.ndarray MEM_SAFETY - factor of safety """ # filter out too large particles if ignoreLarge > 0: threshold = ignoreLarge*np.max(self.dimension) if np.size(diameter) == 1 and diameter > threshold: return smallparticles = diameter < threshold diameter = diameter[smallparticles] coords = coords[smallparticles,:] if np.size(wavelength) > 1: wavelength = wavelength[smallparticles] if np.size(energy) > 1: energy = energy[smallparticles] print "There are %i particles to be recorded" % np.size(coords,0) meanDiameter = np.mean(diameter) meanDiameter = meanDiameter / np.mean(self.pixelSize) stepMax = np.round(MEMSIZE / (MEM_SAFETY * meanDiameter**2)) if stepMax == 0: stepMax = 1 nparts = np.size(coords,0) if stepMax < nparts and np.std(diameter) > STD_PARAM*np.mean(diameter): print "Sorting" indexes = np.argsort(diameter) coords = coords[indexes] else: indexes = None # Adjusting the inputs, so that _recordParticle will get uniform # arrays always if np.size(energy) > 1 and indexes is not None: energy = energy[indexes] else: energy = energy * np.ones(nparts) if np.size(wavelength) > 1 and indexes is not None: wavelength = wavelength[indexes] else: wavelength = wavelength * np.ones(nparts) if np.size(diameter) > 1 and indexes is not None: diameter = diameter[indexes] else: diameter = diameter * np.ones(nparts) if stepMax < nparts: print "Recording partials in steps of %i" % stepMax k = 0 nrec = 0 while (k+1)*stepMax < nparts: self._recordParticles(coords [k*stepMax:(k+1)*stepMax], energy [k*stepMax:(k+1)*stepMax], wavelength [k*stepMax:(k+1)*stepMax], diameter [k*stepMax:(k+1)*stepMax]) nrec += np.size(coords[k*stepMax:(k+1)*stepMax],0) k = k + 1 self._recordParticles(coords [k*stepMax:], energy [k*stepMax:], wavelength [k*stepMax:], diameter [k*stepMax:]) nrec += np.size(coords[k*stepMax:],0) print "Recorded %i particles in %i steps" % (nrec, k+1) else: print "Recording total" self._recordParticles(coords, energy, wavelength, diameter)
[docs]class Lens(Primitives.Part, Core.PyvsimDatabasable): """ This class represents an objective lens. The implemented model is a thick, pupil-centric lens as described by `Aggarwal and Ahuja <>`_ . This means that the center of projection is assumed to be at the center of the entrance pupil. This class generates the starting vectors for the ray tracing procedure. One caveat is that it is not possible to execute ray tracing from the back of the lens (i.e. from the sensor to the lens), as the rays are assumed straight between these two points. This can be a problem when modelling stacked lenses, that have to be substituted by an equivalent one. """ def __init__(self): Primitives.Part.__init__(self) Core.PyvsimDatabasable.__init__(self) = 'Lens '+str(self._id) self.dbName = "Lenses" self.dbParameters = ["color", "opacity", "diameter", "length", "flangeFocalDistance", "F", "H_fore_scalar", "H_aft_scalar", "E_scalar", "X_scalar", "_Edim", "_Xdim", "distortionParameters"] # Plotting parameters self.color = [0.2,0.2,0.2] self.opacity = 0.8 self.diameter = 0.076 self.length = 0.091 self._createPoints() # Main planes model self.flangeFocalDistance = 0.0440 self.F = 0.1000 self._H_fore_scalar = 0.0460 self._H_aft_scalar = 0.0560 self._E_scalar = 0.0214 self._X_scalar = 0.0362568218298555 self._Edim = 0.1000 self._Xdim = 0.0802568218 # Adjustable parameters self._focusingDistance = 10 self.macro = False self.aperture = 2 self.distortionParameters = np.array([0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]) #Calculated parameters self.focusingOffset = 0 self.PinholeFore = None self.PinholeAft = None self._calculatePositions() @property def H_fore(self): return self.x * self.H_fore_scalar + self.origin @H_fore.setter def H_fore(self, h): self._H_fore_scalar = h @property def H_aft(self): return self.x * self.H_aft_scalar + self.origin @H_aft.setter def H_aft(self, h): self.H_aft_scalar = h @property def H_fore_scalar(self): return (self._H_fore_scalar + self.focusingOffset) @property def H_aft_scalar(self): return (self._H_aft_scalar + self.focusingOffset) @property def E_scalar(self): return (self._E_scalar + self.focusingOffset) @property def X_scalar(self): return (self._X_scalar + self.focusingOffset) @property def E(self): return self.x*self.E_scalar + self.origin @E.setter def E(self, e): self.E_scalar = e @property def X(self): return self.x*self.X_scalar + self.origin @X.setter def X(self, x): self.X_scalar = x @property def focusingDistance(self): return self._focusingDistance @focusingDistance.setter def focusingDistance(self,distance): self._focusingDistance = distance self._calculatePositions() @property def Edim(self): return self._Edim / self.aperture @Edim.setter def Edim(self, entrancePupilDiameter): self._Edim = entrancePupilDiameter @property def Xdim(self): return self._Xdim / self.aperture @Xdim.setter def Xdim(self, pupilDiameter): self._Xdim = pupilDiameter
[docs] def display(self): """ This method creates a plot showing the position of the lens notable planes (the two main planes, the pupils and the focusing offset). This is intended for debugging purposes, or better understanding how the lens work. """ plt.figure(facecolor = [1,1,1]) plt.hold(True) plt.axis("equal") plt.grid(True, which = "both", axis = "both") plt.title("Notable planes position, reference - lens flange") plt.plot([-self.diameter/2, self.diameter/2, self.diameter/2, -self.diameter/2, -self.diameter/2], [0,0,self.length,self.length,0], "k", #label="External contour", linewidth=4) plt.plot([0,0], [-0.1*self.length,1.1*self.length], "k-.", #label="Centerline", linewidth=1) plt.plot([-self.diameter/1.5, self.diameter/1.5], [self.H_aft_scalar,self.H_aft_scalar], "b", label="H'", linewidth=2) plt.plot([-self.diameter/1.5, self.diameter/1.5], [self.H_fore_scalar,self.H_fore_scalar], "r", label="H", linewidth=2) plt.plot([-self.diameter/1.5, self.diameter/1.5], [self.focusingOffset,self.focusingOffset], "k", label="d'", linewidth=1) plt.plot([-self.diameter/1.5,-self.Edim/2], [self.E_scalar,self.E_scalar], "r", label="E", linewidth=3) plt.plot([self.diameter/1.5,self.Edim/2], [self.E_scalar,self.E_scalar], "r", # label="E", linewidth=3) plt.plot([-self.diameter/1.5,-self.Xdim/2], [self.X_scalar,self.X_scalar], "b", label="X", linewidth=3) plt.plot([self.diameter/1.5,self.Xdim/2], [self.X_scalar,self.X_scalar], "b", # label="X", linewidth=3) plt.legend()
def _calculatePositions(self): """ Calculate some important points, must be called whenever the lens is moved. The position of the exit pinhole is calculated as proposed by: Aggarwal, M. & Ahuja, N. A Pupil-centric model of image formation Internation Journal of Computer Vision, 2002, 48, 195-214 """ # First, we have to calculate d', which is the distance the lens # has to offset to focus at the given "focusingDistance" # 1 1 1 # ----- = ----------- + ---------------------------- # F F + d' focusingDistance - SH - d' # # -(foc - F - H) +- sqrt((foc-f-H)**2 + 4*F**2)) # dprime = ---------------------------------------------- # 2 aux = self.focusingDistance - self.F - (self._H_fore_scalar + self.flangeFocalDistance) delta = aux**2 - 4*(self.F**2) d_line1 = (aux - np.sqrt(delta))/2 d_line2 = (aux + np.sqrt(delta))/2 if self.macro: d_line = d_line2 else: d_line = d_line1 # print "------ FOCUS CALCULATION ------------------------" # print "foc : ", self.focusingDistance # print "aux : ", aux # print "F : ", self.F # print "H : ", (self._H_fore_scalar + # self.flangeFocalDistance) # print "sqrt(delta) : ", np.sqrt(delta) # print "d_line : ", d_line # print "X : ", self.X # print "Hprime : ", self.H_aft # print "H : ", self.H_fore # print "E : ", self.E # # Now, we have to find the pseudo position of the pinhole (which is # not H_fore. v = d_line + self.F a = self._E_scalar - self._H_fore_scalar v_bar = v + a - v*a/self.F # print "foc %.5f \nv %.5f \na %.5f \nv_bar %.5f" % (self.focusingDistance, # v, a, v_bar) self.focusingOffset = d_line self.PinholeAft = self.origin + self.x * (v_bar - self.flangeFocalDistance) self.PinholeFore = self.E
[docs] def clearData(self): """ As the data from the Primitives.Part class that has to be cleaned is used only for ray tracing, the parent method is not called. The notable points, however, are recalculated. """ self._calculatePositions()
def _createPoints(self): """ This is needed to plot the lens. This will create and the points and the connectivity list of a tube. """ NPTS = 20 pts = [] conn = [] for l in range(2): for n in range(NPTS): pts.append(l*self.length*self.x + self.diameter * 0.5 * ((np.cos(2*np.pi*n/NPTS)*self.y) + (np.sin(2*np.pi*n/NPTS)*self.z))) for n in range(NPTS-1): conn.append([n,n+1,n+NPTS]) conn.append([n+NPTS+1,n+NPTS,n+1]) conn.append([NPTS-1, 0, NPTS]) conn.append([NPTS, 2*NPTS-1, NPTS-1]) self.points = np.array(pts) + self.origin self.connectivity = np.array(conn)
[docs] def rayVector(self,p): """ Given a set of points (e.g. in the sensor), will return a list of vectors representing the direction to be followed by ray tracing. """ return self.lensDistortion(Utils.normalize(self.PinholeAft - p))
[docs] def lensDistortion(self, vectors): """ TODO - Implementation of radial distortion model """ # return vectors angler = np.arccos(np.einsum("ij,j->i",vectors,self.x)) angler = np.reshape(angler,(-1,1)) angley = np.arccos(np.einsum("ij,j->i",vectors,self.y))-np.pi/2 angley = np.reshape(angley,(-1,1)) anglez = np.arccos(np.einsum("ij,j->i",vectors,self.z))-np.pi/2 anglez = np.reshape(anglez,(-1,1)) raxis = Utils.normalize(np.cross(self.x,vectors)) yaxis = np.einsum("j,ij->ij",self.z,np.ones_like(angley)) zaxis = np.einsum("j,ij->ij",self.y,np.ones_like(anglez)) # print "BLAH blah" # print self.distortionParameters[0:4] # print # print np.hstack([angler,angler**2,angler**3,angler**4]) # print np.hstack([angley,angley**2,angley**3,angley**4]) d_angler = np.einsum("j,ij->i", self.distortionParameters[0:4], np.hstack([angler,angler**2,angler**3,angler**4])) d_angley = np.einsum("j,ij->i", self.distortionParameters[4:8], np.hstack([angley,angley**2,angley**3,angley**4])) d_anglez = np.einsum("j,ij->i", self.distortionParameters[8:12], np.hstack([anglez,anglez**2,anglez**3,anglez**4])) vectors = Utils.rotateVector(vectors, d_angler, raxis) vectors = Utils.rotateVector(vectors, d_angley, yaxis) vectors = Utils.rotateVector(vectors, d_anglez, zaxis) return vectors # npts = np.size(vectors,0) # # Gets the angle between v and the optical axis # Ti = np.arccos(np.sum(self.x * \ # np.reshape(vectors,(npts,1,GLOBAL_NDIM)),2)).squeeze() # # To = np.sum(self.distortionParameters * \ # np.array([Ti**4,Ti**3,Ti**2,Ti]),2) # # axis = Utils.normalize(np.cross(self.x,vectors)) # return Utils.rotateVector(vectors,(To-Ti),axis)
[docs]class Camera(Primitives.Assembly): """ This class represents a camera composed of a body (used only for display), a sensor and a lens, therefore it is an assembly. The main functions of this class are driving the sensor and the lens together, so that the user can call more logical functions (such as initialize) instead of using a complicated series of internal functions. The camera creates a mapping of world coordinates into sensor coordinates by using direct linear transformations (a pinhole model). Lens imperfections and ambient influence can be modeled by using several DLTs (which is controlled by the parameter mappingResolution). """ def __init__(self): Primitives.Assembly.__init__(self) = 'Camera '+str(self._id) self.lens = None self.sensor = None self.body = None # Plotting properties self.color = [0.172,0.639,0.937] self.opacity = 0.650 self.dimension = np.array([0.175,0.066,0.084]) # Geometrical properties self.sensorPosition = -0.017526 self._scheimpflugAngle = 0 # Mapping properties self.mappingResolution = [2, 2] self.circleOfConfusionDiameter = 29e-6 self.referenceWavelength = 532e-9 self.mapping = None self.detmapping = None self.dmapping = None self.virtualApertureArea = None self.sensorSamplingCenters = None self.physicalSamplingCenters = None # Create and position subcomponents: self._positionComponents() def clearData(self): self.mapping = None self.detmapping = None self.dmapping = None self.virtualApertureArea = None self.rawPupilSolidAngle = None self.sensorSamplingCenters = None self.physicalSamplingCenters = None while len(self._items) > 3: self.remove(3) @property
[docs] def bounds(self): """ This signals the ray tracing implementation that no attempt should be made to intersect rays with the camera """ return None
@property def scheimpflugAngle(self): return self._scheimpflugAngle @scheimpflugAngle.setter def scheimpflugAngle(self, value): """ This unfortunate vicious behavior is implemented to make sure that the _scheimpflugAngle property is always up-to-date, and if one tries to set that a meaningful error message is given. If python supported real overloading, the problem would be solved easily """ raise NotImplementedError("Please use the setScheimpflugAngle function")
[docs] def setScheimpflugAngle(self, angle, axis): """ This is a convenience function to set the Scheimpflug angle as in a well-build adapter (which means that the pivoting is performed through the sensor center). Parameters ---------- angle : float (radians) The scheimpflug angle axis : numpy.array (3) The axis of rotation """ self.lens.alignTo(self.x, self.y, None, self.origin + self.x*self.sensorPosition) self.rotate(-angle, axis, self.origin + self.x*self.sensorPosition) self.lens.rotate(angle, axis, self.origin + self.x*self.sensorPosition)
def _positionComponents(self): """ This method is a shortcut to define the initial position of the camera, there is a definition of the initial positioning of the sensor and the lens. """ if self.lens is not None: self.remove(self.lens) self.remove(self.body) self.remove(self.sensor) self.lens = Lens() self.sensor = Sensor() self.body = Primitives.Volume(self.dimension) self.body.color = self.color self.body.opacity = self.opacity self.body.translate(-self.x*self.dimension[0]) self.append(self.lens) self.append(self.sensor) self.append(self.body) # Adaptation in case lens is not compatible with camera (different # flange focal distances) self.lens.translate(self.x* (self.lens.flangeFocalDistance + self.sensorPosition)) # Sensor position adjustment self.sensor.translate(self.x*self.sensorPosition)
[docs] def mapPoints(self, pts, skipPupilAngle = False): """ This method determines the position that a set of points x,y,z map on the camera sensor. In order to optimize calculation speed, a lot of memory is used, but the method seems to run smoothly up to 2M points in a 5x5 mapping (2GB of available RAM) The number of elements in the bottleneck matrix is: N = npts * 3 * mappingResolution[0] * mappingResolution[1] Parameters ---------- pts : numpy.array (N,3) A collection of points in the space skipPupilAngle : boolean Setting this flag to true skip the step of calculating the solid angle formed by the given points and the pupils. This is used only in the initialization of the camera Returns ------- uv : numpy.array (N,3) The points (in sensor homogeneous coordinates) mapped to the sensor w : numpy.array (N) The distance from the center of projection, as calculated by the DLT matrix dudv : numpy.array (N,6) The derivatives of the coordinates u,v with respect to x,y,z in the following order: [du/dx, du/dy, du/dz, dv/dx, dv/dy, dv/dz] lineOfSight : numpy.array (N,3) The line of sight vectors (the direction of the light ray that goes from the point to the camera center of projection) imdim : numpy.array(N) The diameter of the image as generated by a point source (consider geometrical size + diffraction-limited size) pupilSolidAngle : numpy.array(N) The solid angle formed by the entrance pupil and the given points. If flag skipPupilAngle is true, returns None """ npts = np.size(pts,0) # Calculate vectors from samplingCenters to given points d = self.physicalSamplingCenters - np.reshape(pts,(npts,1,1,3)) #print d.shape, d.nbytes # Calculate squared norms of vectors d = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl->ijk',d,d) # Flatten arrays to find minima # print self.physicalSamplingCenters # print d d = np.reshape(d,(npts,-1)) # print d indexes = np.argmin(d,1) # Calculate indexes # print indexes j = np.mod(indexes,(self.mappingResolution[1]-1)) i = ((indexes - j) / (self.mappingResolution[0]-1)) i = i.astype('int') # Calculate DLT uvw = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij',self.mapping[i,j], np.hstack([pts,np.ones((npts,1))])) w = uvw[:,2] uv = np.einsum("ij,i->ij", uvw[:,:2], 1/uvw[:,2]) # print i,j # print self.dmapping[i,j].shape # print result.shape duvw = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij',self.dmapping[i,j],uvw) duvw = np.einsum("ij,i->ij", duvw, 1/w**2) dudx = duvw[:,:3] dvdx = duvw[:,3:] # print dudx lineofsight = np.cross(dudx,dvdx) # cheap norm # invert if mirror lineofsightnorm = (np.sqrt(np.sum(lineofsight*lineofsight,1))* np.sign(self.detmapping[i,j])) lineofsight = -lineofsight / np.tile(lineofsightnorm,(3,1)).T """Calculate the diameter of the geometric image""" pts_sensor = self.sensor.sensorToPhysical(uv) HpS = np.sum((self.lens.H_aft - pts_sensor) * self.lens.x,1) HpX = self.lens.X_scalar - self.lens.H_aft_scalar pprime = w + self.lens.E_scalar - self.lens.H_fore_scalar p = (self.lens.F * pprime) / (pprime - self.lens.F) imdim = 0*self.lens.Xdim * (p - HpS) / (p - HpX) # Diffraction-limited part imdim += 2.44*self.referenceWavelength*self.lens.aperture # Calculates the solid angle "seen" by the points if skipPupilAngle: pupilSolidAngle = None else: pupilSolidAngle = self.virtualApertureArea / w**2 # print "W", np.min(w), np.median(w), np.mean(w), np.max(w) # print "imdim", np.min(imdim), np.median(imdim), np.mean(imdim), np.max(imdim) # print "F", self.lens.F # print "p'", np.min(pprime), np.median(pprime), np.mean(pprime), np.max(pprime) # print "p", np.min(p), np.median(p), np.mean(p), np.max(p) # print "H'S", HpS # print "H'X", HpX return (uv, w, duvw, lineofsight, imdim, pupilSolidAngle)
def _shootRays(self, sensorParamCoords, maximumRayTrace = 10, restart = False): """ This is a convenience method to create a ray bundle departing from the fore pinhole (the center of the entrance pupil) to be used in ray tracing. Parameters ---------- sensorParamCoords : numpy.array (N,2) The UV coordinates of the point in the sensor originating the rays maximumRayTrace : float The maximum distance for the ray to be traced restart : boolean (False) If the previous tracing needs to be continued, setting this flag to True will make the process continue from its last point (don't forget to increase maximumRayTrace, which refers to the total distance travelled by the ray, including from previous runs) """ if not restart: sensorCoords = self.sensor.parametricToPhysical(sensorParamCoords) # Creates vectors to initialize ray tracing for each point in the # sensor initialVectors = self.lens.rayVector(sensorCoords) bundle = Primitives.RayBundle() = + "RayTracingBundle" bundle.append(initialVectors, self.lens.PinholeFore, self.referenceWavelength) try: self.remove( except IndexError: pass self.append(bundle) bundle.maximumRayTrace = maximumRayTrace bundle.stepRayTrace = np.mean(maximumRayTrace) / 2 bundle.trace(tracingRule = Primitives.RayBundle.TRACING_FOV, restart = restart) return bundle def _calculateMappings(self, target): """ This method calculates the transformation matrix(ces) to go from world coordinates (XYZ) to parametric sensor coordinates (UV). This is a method to avoid having to do ray tracing for each particle, when generating a synthetic PIV image, for example. The field of view is mapped using a volume (target), and it is assumed that the light path is rectilinear inside it. The field of view is discretized in MxN regions, as defined in the mappingResolution property of the camera. Discretization in more than one volume is only needed in cases where the pinhole camera model is not valid, e.g. in the presence of radial distortions or refractive elements. In theory any mapping is represented in a piecewise linear manner using the domain partition, however this makes computation of synthetic images much more expensive. """ # First determine the points in the sensor to be reference for the # mapping [U,V] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,self.mappingResolution[1]), np.linspace(-1,1,self.mappingResolution[0])) # print V # print U parametricCoords = np.vstack([U.ravel(), V.ravel()]).T UV = np.reshape(parametricCoords, (np.size(U,0),np.size(U,1),2)) # print UV bundle = self._shootRays(parametricCoords, maximumRayTrace = self.lens.focusingDistance*2) # self += bundle # self += target # import System # System.plot(self) # Finds the intersections that are important: intersections = (target == bundle.rayIntersections) # Finds first and last points intersections = np.tile(intersections,GLOBAL_NDIM) firstInts = np.zeros_like(bundle.rayPaths[0]) lastInts = np.zeros_like(bundle.rayPaths[0]) mask = np.ones_like(bundle.rayPaths[0]) for n in range(np.size(bundle.rayPaths,0)): firstInts[mask * intersections[n] == 1] = \ bundle.rayPaths[n][mask * intersections[n] == 1] mask = (intersections[n] == 0) * (mask == 1) lastInts[intersections[n] == 1] = \ bundle.rayPaths[n,intersections[n] == 1] bundle = None firstInts = np.reshape(firstInts, (np.size(U,0),np.size(U,1),GLOBAL_NDIM)) lastInts = np.reshape(lastInts, (np.size(U,0),np.size(U,1),GLOBAL_NDIM)) # print UV # print firstInts # print lastInts XYZ = (firstInts + lastInts) / 2 self.sensorSamplingCenters = (UV[:-1,:-1] + UV[:-1,1:] + UV[1:,1:] + UV[1:,:-1])/4 self.physicalSamplingCenters = (XYZ[:-1,:-1] + XYZ[:-1,1:] + XYZ[1:,1:] + XYZ[1:,:-1])/4 self.mapping = np.empty((np.size(UV,0)-1, np.size(UV,1)-1, 3, 4)) #each mapping matrix is 3x4 self.detmapping = np.empty((np.size(UV,0)-1, np.size(UV,1)-1)) #determinants are scalar self.dmapping = np.empty((np.size(UV,0)-1, np.size(UV,1)-1, 6, 3)) #each derivative matrix is 6x3 cond = 0 for i in range(np.size(self.sensorSamplingCenters,0)): for j in range(np.size(self.sensorSamplingCenters,1)): uvlist = np.array([UV[i ,j ], UV[i+1,j ], UV[i+1,j+1], UV[i ,j+1], UV[i ,j ], UV[i+1,j ], UV[i+1,j+1], UV[i ,j+1]]) # We want the DLT to be from meters to meters: uvlist = self.sensor.parametricToSensor(uvlist) xyzlist = np.array([firstInts[i ,j ], firstInts[i+1,j ], firstInts[i+1,j+1], firstInts[i ,j+1], lastInts[i ,j ], lastInts[i+1,j ], lastInts[i+1,j+1], lastInts[i ,j+1]]) try: (self.mapping[i,j,:,:], self.dmapping[i,j,:,:], self.detmapping[i,j], temp1, _) = Utils.DLT(uvlist,xyzlist) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: self.mapping = None self.detmapping = None self.dmapping = None warnings.warn("Could not find a valid mapping", Warning) return cond = cond + temp1 cond = cond / (np.size(self.sensorSamplingCenters)/3) return cond
[docs] def initialize(self): """ This function calculates the camera field of view and its mapping functions to relate world coordinates to sensor coordinates. This should be called whenever the ambient is set up, so the camera can be used for synthetic image generation and displaying. """ vv,vh = self._depthOfField() # Make sure rays intersect volume by expanding it a little vv.expand(0.005) self.parent += vv self._calculateMappings(vv) self.parent.remove(vv) # Determines the distance mapped by the DLT for the points, so that # the solid angle can be calculated individually for each particle. # Only vh is used, assuming that astigmatism is not high w = self.mapPoints(vh.points, skipPupilAngle = True)[1] self.virtualApertureArea = np.mean( * w**2)
def _depthOfField(self): """ This method calculates the camera field of view and depth of field. Two volumes are returned - one for vertical focusing and another for horizontal focusing (when the ambient has no refractive elements, both will probably be the same). Returns ------- (VV, VH) : pyvsim.Volume Each of the volumes represent the region where a point is imaged by the camera as a feature with a diameter no greater than "allowableDiameter". Only in the case of astigmatism, VV and VH are not the same, then VV (vertical) is the volume where the point is in focus at the camera.y axis and VH (horizontal) is in focus at the camera.z axis One important point is that the field .data of the volumes has the solid angle formed by the entrance pupil image as "seen" by the particle. This is used in scattering calculations """ points_param = np.array([[-1,-1], [-1,+1], [+1,+1], [+1,-1]]) points = self.sensor.parametricToPhysical(points_param) X = self.lens.Xdim HprimeX = self.lens.H_aft_scalar - self.lens.X_scalar dcoc = self.circleOfConfusionDiameter # The distance between sensor extremities and center of fore main # plane, projected at the lens optical axis points_proj = np.sum((self.lens.H_aft - points)*self.lens.x,1) p_prime_fore = (X*points_proj + dcoc*HprimeX) / (X + dcoc) p_prime_aft = (X*points_proj - dcoc*HprimeX) / (X - dcoc) # p_prime_spot = points_proj p_fore = self.lens.F*p_prime_fore / (p_prime_fore - self.lens.F) p_aft = self.lens.F*p_prime_aft / (p_prime_aft - self.lens.F) # p_spot = self.lens.F*p_prime_spot / (p_prime_spot - self.lens.F) """ Find the vectors emerging from the lens: """ # print "=--------------------- DOF CALC --------------------------" # print "pts\n", points # print "H ", self.lens.H_fore # print "H'", self.lens.H_aft # print "E ", self.lens.E # print "X ", self.lens.X # print "d'", self.lens.focusingOffset # print "fl", self.lens.origin # print "ph_aft ", self.lens.PinholeAft # print "ph_fore", self.lens.PinholeFore # print "p_fore\n", p_fore # print "p_aft\n", p_aft # print "p_spot\n", p_spot vecs = self.lens.rayVector(points) vecx = np.sum(vecs*self.lens.x, 1) # projection at optical axis p_fore += self.lens.H_fore_scalar - self.lens.E_scalar p_aft += self.lens.H_fore_scalar - self.lens.E_scalar # p_spot += self.lens.H_fore_scalar - self.lens.E_scalar # "Elongate" points to adapt to ray tracing p_fore = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", p_fore * 1/vecx,vecs) + self.lens.E p_aft = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", p_aft * 1/vecx,vecs) + self.lens.E # p_spot = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", p_spot * 1/vecx,vecs) + self.lens.E """ p_fore and p_aft are the points in space limiting the in-focus region, were there no obstructions, reflection, etc """ p_fore_horz = np.empty_like(p_fore) p_fore_vert = np.empty_like(p_fore) p_aft_horz = np.empty_like(p_aft) p_aft_vert = np.empty_like(p_aft) vv_angles = np.empty(8) vh_angles = np.empty(8) for n in range(np.size(p_fore,0)): (pts, ang) = self._findFocusingPoint(p_fore[n]) p_fore_vert[n] = pts[0] p_fore_horz[n] = pts[1] vv_angles[n] = ang[0] vh_angles[n] = ang[1] (pts, ang) = self._findFocusingPoint(p_aft[n]) p_aft_vert[n] = pts[0] p_aft_horz[n] = pts[1] vv_angles[4+n] = ang[0] vh_angles[4+n] = ang[1] # Remove duplicates (in case calculation has already been done) try: self.remove("In-focus-vertical") except IndexError: pass try: self.remove("In-focus-horizontal") except IndexError: pass volume_vert = Primitives.Volume() volume_vert.surfaceProperty = volume_vert.TRANSPARENT = "In-focus-vertical" volume_vert.color = np.array([1,0,0]) volume_vert.opacity = 0.25 volume_vert.points = np.vstack([p_aft_vert,p_fore_vert]) = vv_angles self.append(volume_vert) volume_horz = Primitives.Volume() volume_horz.surfaceProperty = volume_horz.TRANSPARENT = "In-focus-horizontal" volume_horz.color = np.array([1,1,0])#np.array(Utils.metersToRGB(referenceWavelength)) volume_horz.opacity = 0.25 volume_horz.points = np.vstack([p_aft_horz,p_fore_horz]) = vh_angles self.append(volume_horz) self.rawPupilSolidAngle = 0.5*(np.mean(vv_angles) + np.mean(vh_angles)) return (volume_vert, volume_horz) def _findFocusingPoint(self, theoreticalPoint, angles = np.array([0, 90]), tol = 1e-3): """ As the environment that the camera is placed can include mirrors and refractive materials, the light path has to be calculated with the ray tracing algorithm. For the given point, four rays are cast - each at a border of the entrance pupil. Their initial vector is defined as the one that reaches the theoretical point (given). Then, for each pair (the horizontal and the vertical), the intersection of the ray paths is verified. The intersection point is then the point in space where focusing is perfect. Parameters ---------- theoreticalPoint : numpy.array (3) This is the point in space where the camera would be imaging if it were isolated (no mirrors, refractions, etc) angles : numpy.array (N) [0, 90] The angles (with relation to the optical axis) for analysis of astigmatism in the system. The typical configuration performs the analysis only on the lens xy and xz planes, respectively. tol : float (1e-3) The tolerance in finding the ray intersection. This value is kept relatively high because in the case of astigmatism, the Y and Z axes of the camera might not be aligned with the astigmatism axes, which can cause the intersection not to be perfect. This value still produces results comparable to the one found in Zeiss datasheets Returns ------- pts : numpy.array (N,3) Each point is the intersection of the marginal rays casted from the intersection of the entrance pupil and a plane at an angle determined by the parameter "angle" in the input. angle : numpy.array (N) The solid angle formed by the point and the entrance pupil """ pupilPoints = np.ones((2*len(angles),3)) pupilPoints = pupilPoints * self.lens.E for n, angle in enumerate(angles): angle = angle * np.pi / 180 pupilPoints[n*2] = (pupilPoints[n*2] + self.lens.z*self.lens.Edim*np.cos(angle)/2 + self.lens.y*self.lens.Edim*np.sin(angle)/2) pupilPoints[n*2+1] = (pupilPoints[n*2 + 1] - self.lens.z*self.lens.Edim*np.cos(angle)/2 - self.lens.y*self.lens.Edim*np.sin(angle)/2) # print "Entrance pupil\n", pupilPoints """ Vectors going to the theoretical point """ vectors = Utils.normalize(theoreticalPoint - pupilPoints) # print "Vectors\n", vectors # print "Vecnorms\n", np.sqrt(np.sum(vectors*vectors,1)) """ Create the bundle for ray tracing """ rays = Primitives.RayBundle() n = self.append(rays) rays.append(vectors, pupilPoints, self.referenceWavelength) rays.maximumRayTrace = 1.5 * Utils.norm(theoreticalPoint - self.lens.E) rays.stepRayTrace = rays.maximumRayTrace rays.trace() self.remove(n-1) """ Now run the bundle trying to find the intersection """ steps = np.size(rays.rayPaths, 0) pts = np.empty((len(angles),3)) pupil_angle = np.empty(len(angles)) for step in range(1,steps): p2 = rays.rayPaths[step] p1 = rays.rayPaths[step-1] v = p2 - p1 for n in range(len(angles)): point = Utils.linesIntersection(v [[2*n,2*n+1]], p1[[2*n,2*n+1]]) if (Utils.pointSegmentDistance(p1, p2, point) < tol).all(): pts[n] = point planar_angle = np.arccos([2*n],v[2*n+1])/ (np.linalg.norm(v[2*n])* np.linalg.norm(v[2*n+1]))) pupil_angle[n] = (np.pi/4)*(planar_angle)**2 # print "Angle %3.4f, angle %3.4f, solid angle %1.4e" % (angles[n], # planar_angle*180/np.pi, # pupil_angle[n]) rays = None return (pts, pupil_angle)
[docs] def virtualCameras(self, centeronly = True): """ Returns an assembly composed of cameras at the position and orientation defined by the original camera mapping. E.g. if a camera is looking through a mirror, the virtualCamera will be the mirror image of the camera. Parameters ---------- centeronly : boolean If the camera mapping resolution has created more than a single mapping matrix (>2), setting this value to True makes the routine create only one camera (for the center mapping). Otherwise it will create as many cameras as mapping matrices. Returns ------- virtualCameras : pyvsim.Assembly The cameras within this assembly are copies of the original camera only with position and orientation changed (and carcass color), so they are completely functional. Care should be taken, as having too many cameras requires a lot of memory (mappings, sensor data is stored in each camera). """ if self.mapping is None: raise ValueError("No mapping available, " + "could not create virtual cameras") return None phantomPrototype = copy.deepcopy(self) phantomPrototype.clearData() phantomPrototype.parent = None phantomPrototype.body.color = [0.5,0,0] phantomPrototype.body.opacity = 0.2 phantomPrototype.lens.color = [0.5,0.5,0.5] phantomPrototype.lens.opacity = 0.2 # print phantomPrototype.x # print phantomPrototype.y # print phantomPrototype.z # print phantomPrototype.lens.x # print phantomPrototype.lens.y # print phantomPrototype.lens.z phantomPrototype.lens.alignTo(phantomPrototype.x, phantomPrototype.y) for item in phantomPrototype: item.parent = phantomPrototype phantomAssembly = Primitives.Assembly() # sy = self.sensor.dimension[1] # sz = self.sensor.dimension[2] # Matrix to go from sensor coordinates to sensor # local coordinates MT = np.array([[ 0 , 0, 1], [ 0 , 1, 0], [ 1 , 0, 0]]) if centeronly: rangei = [np.round(np.size(self.mapping,0)/2)] rangej = [np.round(np.size(self.mapping,1)/2)] else: rangei = range(np.size(self.mapping,0)) rangej = range(np.size(self.mapping,1)) for i in rangei: for j in rangej: phantom = copy.deepcopy(phantomPrototype) M = self.mapping[i,j,:,:] [_,__,V] = np.linalg.svd(M) pinholePosition = (V[-1] / V[-1][-1])[:-1] phantom.translate(pinholePosition - phantom.lens.PinholeFore) # Transform the DLT matrix (that originally goes from global # coordinates to sensor coords) to local sensor coordinates MTM =, M[:,:-1]) [_,Qm] = Utils.KQ(MTM) phantom.mapping = M phantom.alignTo(Qm[0],-Qm[1],None, phantom.lens.PinholeFore, 1e-3) phantomAssembly.append(phantom) return phantomAssembly
[docs]class Seeding(Primitives.Assembly): def __init__(self): Primitives.Assembly.__init__(self) = 'Seeding ' + str(self._id) self.volume = Primitives.Volume() = Primitives.Points() self += self.volume self += self.density = 1e11 self._particles = None self._diameters = None self.volume.color = [0.9,0.9,0.9] self.volume.surfaceProperty = self.volume.TRANSPARENT
[docs] def refractiveIndex(self, wavelength = 532e-9): """ Returns the index of refraction of the material given the wavelength (or a list of them) Parameters ---------- wavelength : scalar or numpy.array The wavelength of the incoming light given in *meters* Returns ------- refractiveIndex : same dimension as wavelength The index of refraction """ return 1.45386 #self.material.refractiveIndex(wavelength)
[docs] def bounds(self): """ This signals the ray tracing implementation that no attempt should be made to intersect rays with the seeding (it's mapped differently) """ return None
@property def points(self): return @points.setter def points(self, particles): = particles [xmin, ymin, zmin] = np.min(particles,0) [xmax, ymax, zmax] = np.max(particles,0) self.volume.points = np.array([[xmin,ymax,zmax], [xmin,ymin,zmax], [xmin,ymin,zmin], [xmin,ymax,zmin], [xmax,ymax,zmax], [xmax,ymin,zmax], [xmax,ymin,zmin], [xmax,ymax,zmin]]) @property def diameters(self): return self._diameters @diameters.setter def diameters(self, diams): if np.size(diams) != np.size(,0): raise ValueError("The diameter array must be the same size than"+ " the particle position array.") self._diameters = diams def seed(self): o = self.volume.points[0] v1 = self.volume.points[1] - self.volume.points[0] v2 = self.volume.points[3] - self.volume.points[0] v3 = self.volume.points[4] - self.volume.points[0] volume = np.linalg.norm(,np.cross(v2,v3))) npts = volume * self.density pts = np.random.rand(npts,3) pts = o + (np.einsum("i,j->ij",pts[:,0],v1) + np.einsum("i,j->ij",pts[:,1],v2) + np.einsum("i,j->ij",pts[:,2],v3)) diams = np.random.rand(npts) diams = self._sizeDistribution(diams) = pts self._diameters = diams def _sizeDistribution(self, seeds): diam = np.linspace(0,4,100) pdf = gammainc(13.9043,10.9078*diam)**0.2079 interpolator = interp1d(pdf, diam) return interpolator(seeds)*1e-6 def scatteredEnergy(self, lineofsight, lightvector, solidangle, wavelength = 532e-9, polarization = 0): lightintensity = Utils.norm(lightvector) # lightvecnorm = np.einsum("ij,i->ij", lightvector, 1/lightintensity) scatterangle = np.arccos(np.sum(lineofsight*lightvector,1)/ lightintensity) # Replacing nans by suitable value scatterangle[np.isnan(scatterangle)] = 9999 minangle = np.min(scatterangle) scatterangle[scatterangle == 9999] = minangle # plt.plot(scatterangle) # print "Diameter range ", np.min(self.diameters), np.max(self.diameters) if np.min(self.diameters) != np.max(self.diameters): diams = np.linspace(np.min(self.diameters), np.max(self.diameters), 500) else: diams = np.array([np.min(self.diameters), np.max(self.diameters)+1e-6]) print "Angle range ", np.min(scatterangle), np.max(scatterangle) plt.plot(scatterangle) if np.min(scatterangle) != np.max(scatterangle): angles = np.linspace(np.min(scatterangle), np.max(scatterangle), 30) else: angles = np.array([np.min(scatterangle), np.max(scatterangle)+1e-6]) (s1,s2) = MieUtils.mieScatteringCrossSections(self.refractiveIndex(wavelength), diams, wavelength, angles) scs = (s1 * (np.cos(polarization)**2) + s2 * (1 - np.cos(polarization)**2)) interpolant = RectBivariateSpline(angles, diams, scs, kx = 1, ky = 1) scs = interpolant.ev(scatterangle, self.diameters) return scs*lightintensity*solidangle
[docs]class CalibrationPlate(Seeding): def __init__(self, sidelength = 0.2): Seeding.__init__(self) [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-sidelength/2,sidelength/2,100), np.linspace(-sidelength/2,sidelength/2,100)) Z = 0*np.ones(np.size(X)) self.points = np.vstack((X.ravel(),Y.ravel(),Z)).T self.points = np.vstack([self.points, self.points + np.array([1e-3,1e-3,1e-3])]) # print X.shape, Y.shape, Z.shape, self.points.shape self.diameters = (2.2e-6*np.ones(np.size(self.points[:,0])) + 1e-10*np.random.rand(np.size(self.points[:,0])))
[docs]class Laser(Primitives.Assembly): def __init__(self): Primitives.Assembly.__init__(self) = 'Laser '+str(self._id) self.transientFields.extend(["profileInterpolator"]) self.body = None self.rays = None self.volume = None # Plotting properties self.color = [0.1,0.1,0.1] self.opacity = 1.000 self.dimension = np.array([1.060, 0.250, 0.270]) self.wavelength = 532e-9 # Beam properties self._profile = None self.profileInterpolator = None self._pulseEnergy = 0.500 self._beamDivergence = np.array([0.0005, 0.25]) self._beamDiameter = 0.01#0.018 [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-6,7), np.arange(-6,7)) self.profile = np.exp(-0.15*(X**2+Y**2)) # Ray tracing characteristics self.usefulLength = np.array([1, 3]) self.usefulLengthDiscretization = 0.1 self.safeEnergyDensity = 5e-3 #1e-3 self.safetyTracingRays = [7,5] self.safetyTracingStrategy = [[7,7], [15,0.05], [100,100]] self._positionComponents() @property def profile(self): return self._profile @profile.setter def profile(self, profileMatrix): self._profile = profileMatrix self.clearData() @property def pulseEnergy(self): return self._pulseEnergy @pulseEnergy.setter def pulseEnergy(self, power): self._pulseEnergy = power self.clearData() @property def beamDivergence(self): return self._beamDivergence @beamDivergence.setter def beamDivergence(self, div): self._beamDivergence = div self.clearData() @property def beamDiameter(self): return self._beamDiameter @beamDiameter.setter def beamDiameter(self, diam): self._beamDiameter = diam self.clearData() @property
[docs] def bounds(self): """ The laser participates in the ray tracing procedure only if it lays the volumes representing its light beam """ if self.volume is not None: return self.volume.bounds else: return None
def display(self): plt.figure(facecolor = [1,1,1]) plt.axis("equal") plt.grid(True, which = "both", axis = "both") plt.title("Laser beam profile - J/m^2") imgplot = plt.imshow(self.profile) imgplot.set_interpolation('none') plt.colorbar() def clearData(self): energy = np.sum(self._profile) * (self.beamDiameter**2 / np.size(self._profile)) # print "Energy", energy multiplier = self.pulseEnergy / energy # print "Multiplier", multiplier self._profile = self._profile * multiplier self.profileInterpolator = RectBivariateSpline( np.linspace(-1,1,np.size(self._profile,1)), np.linspace(-1,1,np.size(self._profile,1)), self._profile, kx = 1, ky = 1) if self.volume is not None: self.remove(self.volume) self.volume = None self._positionComponents() Primitives.Assembly.clearData(self) def _positionComponents(self): """ TODO """ if self.body is None: self.body = Primitives.Volume(self.dimension) self.append(self.body) self.body.translate(-self.x*self.dimension[0]) self.body.color = self.color self.body.opacity = self.opacity self.rays = Primitives.RayBundle() self.append(self.rays) vectors = np.tile(self.x,(4,1)) # Divergence in the xz plane vectors = np.vstack([Utils.rotateVector(vectors[:2], self.beamDivergence[1]/2, self.y), Utils.rotateVector(vectors[2:], -self.beamDivergence[1]/2, self.y)]) # Divergence in the xy plane vectors = np.vstack([Utils.rotateVector(vectors[0], -self.beamDivergence[0]/2, self.z), Utils.rotateVector(vectors[[1,2]], self.beamDivergence[0]/2, self.z), Utils.rotateVector(vectors[3], -self.beamDivergence[0]/2, self.z)]) # Position the four main rays with some spacing, according to the # initial beam diameter positions = self.origin + (self.beamDiameter/2 * np.array([-self.y -self.z, +self.y -self.z, +self.y +self.z, -self.y +self.z])) self.rays.append(vectors, positions, self.wavelength)
[docs] def trace(self): """ Creates an assembly containing volumes representing the laser propagation. The volumes are created from usefulLength[0] to usefulLength[1], which is only a way to calculate less elements and reduce calculation costs, not an energy relation. Important parameters - Laser.usefulLength : the useful region of the laser sheet - Laser.usefulLengthDiscretization : the length of the discretization volume. Shorter elements provide better interpolation, but make computation extremely costly. """ self.rays.maximumRayTrace = self.usefulLength[0] self.rays.stepRayTrace = self.usefulLength[0] self.rays.trace(tracingRule = self.rays.TRACING_FOV) start = np.size(self.rays.rayPaths,0) - 1 self.rays.maximumRayTrace = self.usefulLength[1] self.rays.stepRayTrace = self.usefulLengthDiscretization self.rays.trace(tracingRule = self.rays.TRACING_FOV, restart= True) end = np.size(self.rays.rayPaths,0) self.volume = Primitives.Assembly() self.append(self.volume) pts = np.array([[-1,-1], [+1,-1], [+1,+1], [-1,+1]]) for n in range(start, end-1): vol = Primitives.Volume(fastInit = True) vol.surfaceProperty = vol.TRANSPARENT vol.points = np.vstack([self.rays.rayPaths[n], self.rays.rayPaths[n+1]]) S1 = Utils.quadArea(self.rays.rayPaths[n,0], self.rays.rayPaths[n,1], self.rays.rayPaths[n,2], self.rays.rayPaths[n,3]) S2 = Utils.quadArea(self.rays.rayPaths[n+1,0], self.rays.rayPaths[n+1,1], self.rays.rayPaths[n+1,2], self.rays.rayPaths[n+1,3]) vecs = Utils.normalize(self.rays.rayPaths[n+1]- self.rays.rayPaths[n]) = np.hstack((np.vstack((pts,pts)), np.vstack((vecs,vecs)), np.vstack((np.ones((4,1))*S1, np.ones((4,1))*S2)))) vol.color = Utils.metersToRGB(self.wavelength) vol.opacity = 0.1 self.volume += vol
[docs] def illuminate(self, pts): """ Given a set of points in space, this method calculates the light intensity (in :math:`J/m^2`) and direction produced by the laser. Parameters ---------- pts : numpy.array (N,3) A number of points in space Returns ------- intensity : numpy.array (N,3) A vector which norm is the light intensity (in :math:`J/m^2`) pointing to the direction that the light emanating from the laser is """ result = np.zeros((np.size(pts,0),np.size(self.volume[0].data,1))) for vol in self.volume: result += vol.interpolate(pts) [i,j] = result[:,:2].T vecs = Utils.normalize(result[:,2:5]) S = result[:,5] intensity = self.profileInterpolator.ev(i, j) * (self.beamDiameter ** 2/ S) intensity[S == 0] = 0 return np.einsum("ij,i->ij",vecs, intensity)
[docs] def traceReflections(self): """ POC implementation of a calculation of laser safety distances """ # Calculate how many rays will be generated n1 = self.safetyTracingRays[0] n2 = self.safetyTracingRays[1] nrays = n1*n2 # Create a grid of positions for the rays to start x = np.linspace(-1, +1, n2) y = np.linspace(-1, +1, n1) [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(x,y) points = np.vstack([Y.ravel(), X.ravel(), np.zeros(nrays)]).T # Calculate where these rays should be in the laser output physicalPoints = (np.einsum("i,j->ij",points[:,0],self.y* self.beamDiameter*0.5*(n1-1)/(n1-2)) + np.einsum("i,j->ij",points[:,1],self.z* self.beamDiameter*0.5*(n2-1)/(n2-2))).squeeze() # physicalPoints = physicalPoints * (self.beamDiameter * (nside-1) / # (2*(nside-2))) physicalPoints = physicalPoints + self.origin # For each ray, calculate their corresponding initial propagation vector vectors = Utils.quadInterpolation(points, np.array([[-1,-1,0], [+1,-1,0], [+1,+1,0], [-1,+1,0]]), self.rays.initialVectors) vectors = Utils.normalize(vectors) bundle = Primitives.RayBundle() bundle.append(vectors, physicalPoints, self.wavelength) self.append(bundle) restart = False tic = Utils.Tictoc() for length, step in self.safetyTracingStrategy: print "Tracing up to length %f with step %f" % (length, step) bundle.maximumRayTrace = length bundle.stepRayTrace = step tic.tic() bundle.trace(tracingRule = bundle.TRACING_LASER_REFLECTION, restart = restart) restart = True tic.toc() # initial_density = self.pulseEnergy / (self.beamDiameter**2/ # ((n1-1)*(n2-1))) # initial_energy = self.pulseEnergy / ((n1-2)*(n2-2)) energyDensity = np.zeros((n1,n2)) initialEnergyDensity = self.profileInterpolator.ev(points[:,0], points[:,1]) initialEnergyDensity = np.reshape(initialEnergyDensity,(n1,n2)) referenceArea = self.beamDiameter**2 / ((n1-2)*(n2-2)) maxEnergyDensity = np.max(initialEnergyDensity) # print "maxEd %s" % maxEnergyDensity # We will create a connectivity map for a rectangle with side n-1, as # we will take the centerpoint for each 4 rays n = np.arange((n1-1)*(n2-1)) n = np.reshape(n,(n1-1,n2-1)) cts = np.empty(((n2-2)*(n1-2),4)) k = 0 for i in np.arange(n1-2): for j in np.arange(n2-2): cts[k] = [n[i,j], n[i,j+1], n[i+1,j+1], n[i+1,j]] k += 1 cts = cts.astype(int) color = np.empty((bundle.steps+1,nrays,3)) # print bundle.steps # print color.shape for n in range(np.size(bundle.rayPaths,0)): # arrange the rays in the grid they originally were pts = np.reshape(bundle.rayPaths[n],(n1,n2,3)) # find the mean points of each 4 rays pts = 0.25*(pts[1:,:-1] + pts[:-1,:-1] + pts[1:,1:] + pts[:-1,1:]) # reshape in a list of points pts = np.reshape(pts,(-1,3)) # calculate the area of each of the new quads (using our nice # connectivity list) area = Utils.quadArea(pts[cts[:,0]], pts[cts[:,1]], pts[cts[:,2]], pts[cts[:,3]]) area = np.reshape(area,(n1-2,n2-2)) energyDensity[1:-1,1:-1] = (initialEnergyDensity[1:-1,1:-1] * referenceArea / area) e = energyDensity.ravel() # print "E %s" % np.max(e) color[n] = Utils.jet(np.log10(e+1e-5), np.log10(self.safeEnergyDensity), np.log10(maxEnergyDensity), saturationIndicator = True) for n,line in enumerate(bundle): line.color = color[:,n] line.width = 2 # The rays at the margin (that receive density zero) are then "erased" toerase = np.reshape(np.arange(n1*n2),(n1,n2)) toerase[1:-1,1:-1] = 0 toerase = np.nonzero(toerase.ravel())[0] # This trick does not work for # ray[0,0], so: bundle[0].opacity = 0 for i in toerase: bundle[i].opacity = 0
if __name__=='__main__': import System import copy import Library tic = Utils.Tictoc() c = Camera() c.lens.focusingDistance = 1#.9695 #0.9725 c.lens.aperture = 2 c.mappingResolution = [2,2] c.lens.distortionParameters = np.array([0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]) # Put the sensor at the position [0,0,0] to make verification easier c.translate(-c.x*c.sensorPosition) scheimpflug = 0*-0.75*np.pi/180 c.setScheimpflugAngle(scheimpflug, c.y) # c.rotate(-scheimpflug, c.y, c.x*c.sensorPosition) # c.lens.rotate(scheimpflug, c.y, c.x*c.sensorPosition) l = Laser() # l.beamDivergence = np.array([0.5e-3, 0.25]) l.beamDivergence = np.array([-7e-3, 4.596e-2]) l.pulseEnergy = 5.005# 0.1 l._positionComponents() l.alignTo(-l.x, l.y, -l.z, np.array([0.6,0,0])) l.translate(np.array([0,0.5,0])) l.usefulLength = np.array([0.55, 0.8]) l.usefulLengthDiscretization = 0.1 l.safetyTracingRays = [10,100] l.safetyTracingStrategy = [[4,.01]] v = Primitives.Volume() # v.rotate(np.pi/9, v.z) v.opacity = 0.1 v.dimension = np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3]) v.material = Library.IdealMaterial() v.material.value = 1.33 v.surfaceProperty = v.TRANSPARENT v.translate(np.array([0.35,0.5,0])) v2 = Primitives.Volume() v2.dimension = np.array([0.0001, 0.3, 0.3]) v2.surfaceProperty = v2.MIRROR # v2.surfaceProperty = v.TRANSPARENT v2.material = Library.IdealMaterial() v2.material.value = 1 v2.translate(np.array([0.5,0,0])) v2.rotate(-np.pi/4,v2.z) # seed = Seeding() # seed.points = (np.array([0.5,0.5,0]) + # 0.02*Primitives.Volume.PARAMETRIC_COORDS) # seed.density = 1e11 / 800*3 # seed.seed() seed = CalibrationPlate() seed.translate(np.array([0.5,0.5,0])) seed.rotate(1.570796327,np.array([1,0,0])) environment = Primitives.Assembly() environment += seed environment += c # environment += v environment += v2 environment += l # Some geometrical transformations to make the problem more interesting c.rotate(90*np.pi/180,c.lens.x) # environment.rotate(np.pi/0.1314, c.x) # environment.rotate(np.pi/27, c.y) # environment.rotate(np.pi/2.1, c.z) npts = np.size(seed.points,0) print "Laser sheet tracing" tic.tic() l.trace() tic.toc() print "Laser sheet safety tracing" tic.tic() l.traceReflections() tic.toc() print "\nCamera parameter determination" tic.tic() c.initialize() tic.toc() print c.virtualApertureArea / (np.pi*(0.05/c.lens.aperture)**2) """Calculate the position of each point in the sensor""" (uv, w, duvw, lineofsight, imdim, sldangle) = c.mapPoints(seed.points) """Calculate the incoming light""" print "\nIllumination phase" tic.tic() lightvector = l.illuminate(seed.points) tic.toc(np.size(seed.points,0)) tic.tic() energy = seed.scatteredEnergy(lineofsight = lineofsight, lightvector = lightvector, solidangle = sldangle, wavelength = 532e-9, polarization = 0) tic.toc(npts) tic.tic() c.sensor.recordParticles(uv, energy, 532e-9, np.abs(imdim)) tic.toc(npts) print "\nSaving image" tic.tic()"test01.tif") tic.toc() c.sensor.display("jet") vc = c.virtualCameras(True) environment += vc # System.plot(environment)