
class pyvsim.Toolbox.Sensor[source]

This class describes a sensor. It is responsible for determining the size of the camera field of view and also for recording particles.

The particle recording behavior is similar to the one described by Lecordier and Westerweel in their synthetic image generator .

Some features can be easily implemented such as:

  • Quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength (as the recording function

    receives the wavelength as a parameter)

  • Light field measurement (the “virtualData” field can be used to store

    more data)

But were not implemented until now.


backgroundMeanLevel = None

Background noise mean level (in A/D converter counts)

backgroundNoiseStd = None

Standard deviation of background level (gaussian noise assumed) in sensor counts

bitDepth = None

The quantity of bits in the A/D converter


Initializes sensor with gaussian noise, the distribution parameters are given by:

  • backgroundMeanLevel - the mean value
  • backgroundNoiseVar - the variance of the distribution

To handle negative values, only the absolute value is taken into account

color = None

Sensor color in RGB


Creates a dead/hot pixel mapping for the sensor reading simulation

deadPixels = None

Stores the position of dead pixels

dimension = None

Determines the dimension of the sensor in the axes \(x,y,z\), (\(x=0\))


This function displays what is currently recorded in the camera sensor.

fillRatio = None

Determines the ratio between light sensitive and “dark” areas for pixels in the \(y,z\) directions, respectively

fullWellCapacity = None

The maximum number of electrons that can be stored in a pixel

gain = None

The number of electrons needed to raise the value of the A/D converter by one count (in the A/D converter)

hotPixels = None

Stores the position of hot pixels


Transforms (normalized) parametric coordinates into pixel position on the sensor.

There is an inversion of the \(u,v\) columns because of the unfortunate parametric coordinate system that maps:

\(u \mapsto z(sensor)\)

\(v \mapsto y(sensor)\)

Parameters :

coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,3)\)

The position in the sensor in normalized coordinates (range -1..1)

Returns :

pixels : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column]



From the parametric coordinates \(\\overline{U,V}\), which range is \([-1..1]\), calculates the sensor coordinates in meters, so the algorithm is basically multiplying by the sensor size.

Parameters :

param_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1.

Returns :

sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The sensor coordinates in meters


Transforms world coordinates into a position in the sensor, given in pixels

Parameters :

coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,3)\)

The position in world coordinates

Returns :

pixels : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column]


pixelSize = None

The size of each pixel (in meters) in the \(y,z\) directions

quantumEfficiency = None

The amount of electrons generated for each incoming photon

rawData = None

This field stores data that is obtained directly from light intensity measurements. This is converted to electrons, but allows fractional values and is noiseless


Returns the sensor reading in counts, creating quantization noise and saturating the signal where appropriate. This also simulates dead pixels, if there is a dead pixel mapping

The readout noise, however, should be included in the background noise property of the class

recordParticles(coords, energy, wavelength, diameter, ignoreLarge=0.2)[source]

coords - [u,v] sensor coordinates of the recorded point energy - J - energy which is captured by the lenses wavelength - m - illumination wavelength diameter - m - particle image diameter

This is the front-end of the _recordParticle method, its main input is an array of sensor coordinates, representing the particle image centers.

The other inputs can be either arrays (e.g. for particle with varying diameters) or scalars (e.g. for all particles with same diameter). It is more or less obvious that the arrays must have the same length as the coordinate arrays.

Another issue is that the recording is much less efficient when particle image sizes varying size (the source of this issue is at the _recordParticles documentation). So some tricks (such as sorting by particle size) are used to reduce this effect. This procedure is made when the standard deviation exceeds 1/10th of the particle diameter (ajustable by the STD_PARAM constant at the beginning of the module).

Finally, as the recording itself is vectorized, but uses too much memory, it is made in steps. If you find problems too often, adjust the following constants at the header of this module:

MEMSIZE - maximum acceptable number of elements in a numpy.ndarray

MEM_SAFETY - factor of safety

resolution = None

Determines the number of pixels in the \(y,z\) directions, respectively.

saturationData = None

Stores sensor data that is lost due to saturation (may be used to check images without regenerating them)


Writes the sensor data in a 16-bit TIFF file (which is compatible with some mainstream PIV software)

Parameters :

filename : string

The file name and path (including the extension)


Transform sensor coordinates \((U,V)\) in meters to parametric coordinates, \((\\overline{U},\\overline{V})\).

Parameters :

param_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1.

Returns :

sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The sensor coordinates in meters


Transform sensor coordinates \((U,V)\) in meters to world coordinates

Parameters :

param_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The parametric coordinates in the range -1..1.

Returns :

sensor_coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,3)\)

The sensor coordinates in meters


Transforms (normalized) parametric coordinates into pixel position on the sensor.

There is an inversion of the UV columns because of the unfortunate parametric coordinate system that maps:

\(u \mapsto z(sensor)\)

\(v \mapsto y(sensor)\)

Parameters :

coords : numpy.ndarray \((N,3)\)

The position in the sensor in normalized coordinates (range -1..1)

Returns :

pixels : numpy.ndarray \((N,2)\)

The fractional position in sensor pixels in the format [row column]


virtualData = None

This field can be used by future-implemented functions for storing relevant data for the simulation (colors, light vector direction)

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