Source code for pyvsim.MieUtils

.. module :: MieUtils
    :platform: Unix, Windows
    :synopsis: Mie scattering calculation
This module contains the Mie scattering mathematics. This was separated because
many different functions were needed to model that.

The functions were adapter from `Maetzler (Maetzler, C. Matlab functions for Mie 
scattering and absorption 
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, 2002) 
.. moduleauthor :: Ricardo Entz <maiko at>

.. license::
    PyVSim v.1
    Copyright 2013 Ricardo Entz
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.special

[docs]def Tau(pi, costheta): """ Returns the value of the function :math:`\\tau`, as defined by `Maetzler (Maetzler, C. Matlab functions for Mie scattering and absorption Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, 2002) <>`_, as a function of the cosine of the scattering angle (:math:`\\theta`) and the :math:`\\Pi` function: :math:`{\\tau}_n, cos(\\theta)) = n cos(\\theta) \\Pi(n) - (n+1) \\Pi(n-1)` Parameters ---------- pi : numpy.array (n) An array containing the values of the :math:`\\Pi` function costheta : double The co-sine of the scattering angle Returns ------- tau : numpy.array (n) An array containing the values of the \Theta function """ tau = np.empty_like(pi) n = np.arange(len(pi))+1 tau[0] = costheta tau[1:] = n[1:]*costheta*pi[1:] - (n[1:] + 1)*pi[:-1] return tau
[docs]def Pi(nmax, costheta): """ Returns a generator for the recursive calculation of the Pi function as defined in "Hahn, D. W. Light scattering theory Department of Mechanical and Aeorospace Engineering, University of Florida, 2009", which is: .. math:: \\Pi_n(cos \\theta) = {P_n^{(1)} (cos \\theta) \\over sin(\\theta)} Where: .. math:: P_n^{(1)} is a Legendre polynomial Or, in the recursive form, as shown in `Maetzler (Maetzler, C. Matlab functions for Mie scattering and absorption Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, 2002) <>`_: .. math:: \\Pi_n = {{2n-1} \\over {n-1}} cos(\\theta) P_{n-1} - {n \\over {n-1}} \\Pi_{n-2} With: .. math:: \\Pi_{0} = 0 \\Pi_{1} = 1 Parameters ---------- nmax : int The number of coefficients to be calculated costheta: np.array (N) The angles (in radians) to be used as input to the \Pi function Returns ------- Pi : generator A generator capable of creating an :math:`(N+1)`-sized array with the values of the :math:`\\Pi` function """ n = 2 pi_n = 1 pi_n_1 = 0 yield pi_n while n <= nmax+1: newpi = (((2*n - 1) / (n - 1)) * costheta * pi_n - (n / (n - 1)) * pi_n_1) pi_n_1 = pi_n pi_n = newpi n = n + 1 yield newpi
[docs]def mie_abcd(m, x): """ Computes a matrix of Mie coefficients: .. math:: a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n of orders :math:`n=1` to :math:`n_{max}`, complex refractive index :math:`m=m^\\prime + im^{\\prime\\prime}`, and size parameter :math:`x=k_0\\cdot r`, where :math:`k_0` is the wave number in the ambient medium, :math:`r` sphere radius; Reference: `p. 100, 477 in Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122 <>`_ There is a limitation for the maximum allowable :math:`x` for this function. I have not yet verified from where it comes from (limit: :math:`x = 180`, which yields a maximum particle size of about :math:`30\\mu m` in air) Adapted from Matlab code (Dec 2012) Vectorized (Apr 2013) Parameters ---------- m : real or complex The particle refractive index. x : numpy.array (M) The Mie parameter, defined as :math:`x = k_0 r = {{2 \\pi r} \\over \\lambda}` (where :math:`r` is the particle radius and :math:`\\lambda` is the light wavelength) Returns ------- (an, bn) : numpy.array (:math:`n_{max}`, M) The Mie :math:`a` and :math:`b` parameters calculated for :math:`n_{max}` factors, used to calculate an approximation of the scattered light far field. Raises ------ ValueError If the particle diameter which is being calculated forces the creation of too big matrices (happens when :math:`x` is higher than approximately 180) """ # # Parameter calculation # nmax = np.around(2 + np.max(x) + 4*(np.max(x)**(1/3))) n = np.arange(1,nmax+1) nu = n+0.5 z = m*x m2 = m*m sqx = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi/x) sqz = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi/z) # # Bessel function calculation # x_block = np.tile(x,(nmax,1)).T z_block = np.tile(z,(nmax,1)).T n_block = np.tile(n,(len(x),1)).T """ Some matrix dimensions to help understanding the calculations <--nmax--> x_block = [[x1, x1, x1 ...], ^ [x2, x2, x2 ...], len(x) ... ]] v <--len(x)--> n_block = [[1, 1, 1 ...], ^ [2, 2, 2 ...], nmax(x) ... | [n, n, n ...]] v <--nmax--> nu = [nu1, nu2, nu3 ...] 1 <--len(x)--> bx, bz, yx = [[nu1.x1, nu1.x2, ... nu1.xn], ^ [nu2.x1, nu2.x2, ... nu2.xn], | ... nmax(x) | [nun.x1, nun.x2, ... nun.xn]] v bx, bz, yx have the final matrix size (FMS) """ bx = scipy.special.jv(nu,x_block ).T * np.tile(sqx,(nmax,1)) bz = scipy.special.jv(nu,m * x_block).T * np.tile(sqz,(nmax,1)) yx = scipy.special.yv(nu,x_block ).T * np.tile(sqx,(nmax,1)) # From now on, all calculations are made with the final matrix sizes hx = bx+1j*yx b1x = np.vstack([np.sin(x)/x ,bx[:-1,:]]) b1z = np.vstack([np.sin(z)/z ,bz[:-1,:]]) y1x = np.vstack([-np.cos(x)/x ,yx[:-1,:]]) h1x= b1x+1j*y1x; ax = x_block.T * b1x - n_block*bx; az = z_block.T * b1z - n_block*bz; ahx= x_block.T * h1x - n_block*hx; an = (m2*bz*ax-bx*az)/(m2*bz*ahx-hx*az); bn = (bz*ax-bx*az)/(bz*ahx-hx*az); return (an,bn)
[docs]def mieScatteringCrossSections(refractiveIndex, particleDiameters, wavelength, theta): """ This function calculates the Mie scattering cross section of a spherical particle. Its optimal use is by minimizing function calls and giving a particle size range instead. Parameters ---------- refrativeIndex : real / complex The refractive index of the particles. The real part of the index is the classical (as used in Snell's law) and the complex is related to light absorption particleDiameters : numpy.array (N) A list of particle diameters to be calculated wavelength : real, meters The wavelength of the light source theta : numpy.array (M), radians A list of scattering angles to be calculated Returns ------- (sigma1, sigma2) : tuple of numpy.array (M,N) The differential scattering cross sections for the given particle diameters (column number) and scattering angles (row number). Sigma1 stands for light that is polarized perpendicular to the propagation plane, and sigma2 for light polarized parallel to the propagation plane Polarization parameter: 1 = accounts for light polarized perpendicular to propagation plane 2 = accounts for light polarized parallel to propagation plane None = returns average """ cos_theta = np.cos(theta) # Calculation of Mie parameters (a,b) = mie_abcd(refractiveIndex, np.pi*particleDiameters/wavelength) nmax = np.size(a,0) nangles = len(cos_theta) nd = len(particleDiameters) pi = np.empty((nangles,nmax,nd)) tau = np.empty((nangles,nmax,nd)) header = np.tile(Header(nmax), (nd,1)).T for (i, ctheta) in enumerate(cos_theta): pigen = Pi(nmax, ctheta) pitemp = np.fromiter(pigen, np.float) tautemp = Tau(pitemp, ctheta) pi[i,:,:] = np.tile(pitemp[:-1],(nd,1)).T tau[i,:,:] = np.tile(tautemp[:-1], (nd,1)).T i1 = header * (a * pi + b * tau) i2 = header * (b * pi + a * tau) """ The following sum puts the coefficients in the following form: < ndiameters > i1,i2 = [[i1, i1, ... i1], ^ [i1, i1, ... i1], nangles ... [i1, i1, ... i1]] v so, each particle diameter is represented by a column """ i1 = np.sum(i1,1) i2 = np.sum(i2,1) i1 = (np.abs(i1)**2) * (1/4) * (wavelength/np.pi)**2 i2 = (np.abs(i2)**2) * (1/4) * (wavelength/np.pi)**2 return (i1, i2)
def distributedSCS(refractiveIndex, diameters, percentage, wavelength, theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,501)): """ This function calculates the mean differential scattering cross section of a particle size distribution (described by a cumulative probability function). Note that this result shows the behavior of the distribution, which is not the behavior of any of the particles. Parameters ---------- refrativeIndex : real / complex The refractive index of the particles. The real part of the index is the classical (as used in Snell's law) and the complex is related to light absorption particleDiameters : numpy.array (N) A list of particle diameters to be calculated percentage : numpy.array (N) The value of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the particle diameter distribution sampled at the points given in the particleDiameter array wavelength : real, meters The wavelength of the light source theta : numpy.array (M), radians A list of scattering angles to be calculated. If not given, defaults to a 501-element array from 0 to 180deg Returns ------- (sigma1, sigma2) : tuple of numpy.array (M) The differential scattering cross sections for the given distribution. Sigma1 stands for light that is polarized perpendicular to the propagation plane, and sigma2 for light polarized parallel to the propagation plane Raises ------ ValueError If the particle diameter which is being calculated forces the creation of too big matrices (happens when the Mie parameter (:math:`2\\pi r \\over \\lambda) is higher than approximately 180) """ scs = mieScatteringCrossSections(refractiveIndex = refractiveIndex, particleDiameters = diameters, wavelength = wavelength, theta = theta) distribution = np.tile(percentage, (len(theta),1)) return (np.sum(scs[0] * distribution, 1), np.sum(scs[1] * distribution, 1)) if __name__ == "__main__": import Utils tic = Utils.Tictoc() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tic.tic() theta = np.linspace(0*np.pi/180,100*np.pi/180,1001) diam = np.arange(0.0,3.1,0.0062) pdf = scipy.special.gammainc(13.9043,10.9078*diam)**0.2079 perc = np.diff(pdf) diam = diam[1:]*1e-6 scs1 = distributedSCS(1.45386, diam, perc, 532e-9, theta)[0] tic.toc() apertureAngle = 0 kernel = np.ones(apertureAngle*len(theta)/180) kernel = kernel / len(kernel) print "Kernel is %d elements long" % len(kernel) #for s in scs1: # print s #for n,s in enumerate(perc): # print diam[n], s plt.figure(facecolor = [1,1,1]) plt.hold(True) plt.plot(theta*180/np.pi, scs1, label = "Whole distribution") for n in range(0,len(diam),int(len(diam)/5.)): print n, diam[n] scs2 = distributedSCS(1.45386, np.array([diam[n]]), 1, #np.array([perc[n]]), 532e-9, theta)[0] if apertureAngle > 0: # filtered plt.plot(theta*180/np.pi,np.convolve(scs2,kernel,mode="same"), label = "D=%s micron contribution" % (diam[n]*1e6)) else: # unfiltered plt.plot(theta*180/np.pi,scs2, label = "D=%s micron contribution" % (diam[n]*1e6)) plt.xlabel("Scattering angle") plt.ylabel("Scattering cross section (m^2)/(sr)") plt.legend(loc=3) plt.yscale('log') plt.grid(True, which="both", axis="both")