
pyvsim.MieUtils.mieScatteringCrossSections(refractiveIndex, particleDiameters, wavelength, theta)[source]

This function calculates the Mie scattering cross section of a spherical particle. Its optimal use is by minimizing function calls and giving a particle size range instead.

Parameters :

refrativeIndex : real / complex

The refractive index of the particles. The real part of the index is the classical (as used in Snell’s law) and the complex is related to light absorption

particleDiameters : numpy.ndarray (N)

A list of particle diameters to be calculated

wavelength : real, meters

The wavelength of the light source

theta : numpy.ndarray (M), radians

A list of scattering angles to be calculated

Returns :

(sigma1, sigma2) : tuple of numpy.ndarray (M,N)

The differential scattering cross sections for the given particle diameters (column number) and scattering angles (row number). \(\sigma_1\) stands for light that is polarized perpendicular to the propagation plane, and \(\sigma_2\) for light polarized parallel to the propagation plane

Polarization parameter: :

1 = accounts for light polarized perpendicular to propagation plane :

2 = accounts for light polarized parallel to propagation plane :

None = returns average :

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