.. module :: Utils
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: Helper functions
This module packs all kinds of helper classes, mostly for mathematical problem
.. moduleauthor :: Ricardo Entz <maiko at thebigheads.net>
.. license::
PyVSim v.1
Copyright 2013 Ricardo Entz
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import time
import warnings
import ConfigParser
CONFIG_FILE = "./config.dat"
HEXA_CONNECTIVITY = np.array([[0,1,4],
HEXA_FACES_PER_NODE = np.array([[5,1,2],
# Definition of triangles using the hexa points
HEXA_CONN_PARTIAL = np.array([[1,4,0],
[docs]def readConfig(section, field):
parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
return parser.get(section, field)
[docs]def hexaInterpolation(p, hexapoints, values):
This function interpolates values given on vertices of an hexahedron to
a point. The algorithm relies on the ratio of volumes of tetrahedrons
defined by the hexa faces and the point, and its behavior is approximately
**Warning** - there is no verification whether the points are inside the
hexahedron. One must check it using other methods.
p : numpy.array (N, 3)
List of points to be interpolated
hexapoints : numpy.array (8, 3)
List of points defining the hexahedron
values : numpy.array (M, 8)
List of values at the vertices of the hexahedron
interpolated : numpy.array (N, M)
Values interpolated at points p
assert (hexapoints.shape == (8,3))
assert np.size(values,0) == 8
if p.ndim == 1:
# This is done if only one point is given
p = np.reshape(p,(1,np.size(p)))
# Creates the list of coordinates of the tetrahedrons
p1 = np.reshape(p,(np.size(p,0),1,np.size(p,1)))
p2 = [hexapoints[HEXA_CONNECTIVITY[:,0]]]
p3 = [hexapoints[HEXA_CONNECTIVITY[:,1]]]
p4 = [hexapoints[HEXA_CONNECTIVITY[:,2]]]
# The lists are repeated to match dimensions
# Notice that there are 12, as it's not possible to calculate the volume of
# a tetra with square base
p1 = np.tile(p1,(1,12,1))
p2 = np.tile(p2,(np.size(p,0),1,1))
p3 = np.tile(p3,(np.size(p,0),1,1))
p4 = np.tile(p4,(np.size(p,0),1,1))
# Calculate the volumes
tetraVols = tetraVolume(p1,p2,p3,p4)
# Allocates list to store the tetra volumes
# Notice there are only 6 slots, so we have to add the areas
Vp = np.empty((np.size(p,0),6))
# We have to sum the areas to obtain the volume of tetras with quad base
k = 0
for n in range(0,12,2):
Vp[:,k] = (tetraVols[:,n] + tetraVols[:,n+1])
k = k + 1
# Takes the area of opposite hexahedrons
den = (Vp[:,0] + Vp[:,2]) * (Vp[:,1] + Vp[:,3]) * (Vp[:,5] + Vp[:,4])
# Now we take the corresponding volumes per node and divide by the factor
# calculated above. This yields the weights to average the values
C = np.prod(Vp[:,HEXA_FACES_PER_NODE],2) / np.reshape(den,(np.size(p,0),1))
if values.ndim == 1:
return np.sum(C * values,1).squeeze()
C = np.reshape(C,(np.size(C,0),1,8))
C = np.tile(C, (1,np.size(values,1),1))
values = np.array([values.T])
return np.sum(C * values,2).squeeze()
[docs]def tetraVolume(p1,p2,p3,p4):
Calculates the volume of a tetrahedron. This is simply the unrolled
.. math::
\\left [ \\begin{array}{ccc}
V_{x,1} & V_{y,1} & V_{z,1} \\\\
V_{x,2} & V_{y,2} & V_{z,2} \\\\
V_{x,3} & V_{y,3} & V_{z,3} \\end{array} \\right ] \\cdot {1 \\over 6}
.. math::
\\vec{V}_1 = \\vec{P}_1 - \\vec{P}_4
\\vec{V}_2 = \\vec{P}_2 - \\vec{P}_4
\\vec{V}_3 = \\vec{P}_3 - \\vec{P}_4
This function works only for list of vectors, for performance reasons
will not check the inputs, will throw an error instead.
(This works faster than numpy.linalg.det repeated over the list of
p1, p2, p3, p4 : numpy.ndarray (N,3)
The points of the N tetrahedrons.
v : numpy.ndarray (N)
The volume of the tetrahedrons.
vecs = np.array([p1-p4, p2-p4, p3-p4])
if p1.ndim == 3:
return (1/6)* np.abs(vecs[0,:,:,0]*vecs[1,:,:,1]*vecs[2,:,:,2] +
vecs[2,:,:,0]*vecs[0,:,:,1]*vecs[1,:,:,2] +
vecs[1,:,:,0]*vecs[2,:,:,1]*vecs[0,:,:,2] -
vecs[2,:,:,0]*vecs[1,:,:,1]*vecs[0,:,:,2] -
vecs[0,:,:,0]*vecs[2,:,:,1]*vecs[1,:,:,2] -
return (1/6)* np.abs(vecs[0,:,0]*vecs[1,:,1]*vecs[2,:,2] +
vecs[2,:,0]*vecs[0,:,1]*vecs[1,:,2] +
vecs[1,:,0]*vecs[2,:,1]*vecs[0,:,2] -
vecs[2,:,0]*vecs[1,:,1]*vecs[0,:,2] -
vecs[0,:,0]*vecs[2,:,1]*vecs[1,:,2] -
[docs]def jet(value, minval = None, maxval = None, saturationIndicator = False):
Returns the RGB values to emulate a "jet" colormap from Matlab
value : numpy.ndarray(N)
The value to be represented by the colormap
minval : float
The minimum value of the scale. Defaults to the minimum of the values in
the parameter "value"
maxval : float
The maximum value of the scale. Defaults to the maximum of the values in
the parameter "value".
saturationIndication : boolean
Substitute the default saturation values (red and blue) for white,
providing better contrast when saturated values are of interest.
if minval is None:
minval = np.min(value)
if maxval is None:
maxval = np.max(value)
val = 4 * (value - minval)/(maxval-minval)
rmask = val - 1.5 < -val + 4.5
gmask = val - 0.5 < -val + 3.5
bmask = val + 0.5 < -val + 2.5
r = (val - 1.5)*rmask + (-val + 4.5)*(1-rmask)
g = (val - 0.5)*gmask + (-val + 3.5)*(1-gmask)
b = (val + 0.5)*bmask + (-val + 2.5)*(1-bmask)
result = np.clip(np.vstack([r,g,b]).T, 0, 1)
if saturationIndicator:
result = (np.einsum("i,ij->ij",((val <= 4) * (val >= 0)),result)+
np.einsum("i,j->ij", ((val > 4) + (val < 0)),[1,1,1]))
return result
[docs]def metersToRGB(wl):
Converts light wavelength to a RGB vector, the algorithm comes from:
`This blog <http://codingmess.blogspot.de/2009/05/conversion-of-wavelength-in-nanometers.html>`_
wl : scalar
The wavelength in meters
[R,G,B] : numpy.array (3)
The normalized (0..1) RGB value for this wavelength
gamma = 0.8
wl = wl * 1e9
f =((wl >= 380) * (wl < 420) * (0.3 + 0.7 * (wl - 380) / (420 - 380)) +
(wl >= 420) * (wl < 700) * 1 +
(wl >= 700) * (wl < 780) * (1 - 0.7 * (wl - 700) / (780 - 700)))
r =((wl < 475) * (1 - (wl - 380) / (440 - 380)) +
(wl >= 475) * ((wl - 510) / (580 - 510)))
g =((wl < 535) * ((wl - 440) / (490 - 440)) +
(wl >= 535)* (1 - (wl - 580) / (645 - 580)))
b =(1 - (wl - 490) / (510 - 490))
return (((np.clip([r,g,b],0,1))*f)**gamma)
[docs]def aeq(a,b,tol=1e-8):
A tool for comparing numpy ndarrays and checking if all their values
are Almost EQual up to a given tolerance.
a,b : numpy.arrays or scalars
Values to be compared, must have the same size
tol = 1e-8
The tolerance of the comparison
True, False
Depending if the absolute difference between of one of the values of
the inputs exceeds the tolerance
>>> aeq(0,0.00000000000001)
>>> aeq(np.array([1,0,0]),np.array([0.99999999999999,0,0]))
>>> aeq(np.array([1,0,0]),np.array([0.99999,0,0]))
temp = np.abs(a - b) > tol
if len(temp[temp == True]) > 0:
return False
return True
except IndexError:
return not temp
[docs]def reallocateArray(array, extrasteps):
size = [np.size(array,0) + extrasteps]
for n in range(1,array.ndim):
temp = np.empty(size, dtype = array.dtype)
temp[range(np.size(array,0))] = array
return temp
[docs]def rotateVector(x,angle,axis):
This implementation uses angles in degrees. The algorithm is the vectorized
formulation of the `Euler-Rodrigues formula
x : numpy.array (N, 3)
A vector or a list of vectors (N rows, 3 columns) to be
angle : double
scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (3)
A vector around which the vector is rotated
vectors : numpy.array (N, 3)
The vectors after rotation
>>> [x,y,z] = np.eye(3)
>>> temp = rotateVector(x, np.pi/2, z)
>>> aeq(temp, y)
This works also for lists of vectors::
>>> X = np.tile(x,(100,1))
>>> Y = np.tile(y,(100,1))
>>> Z = np.tile(z,(100,1))
>>> temp = rotateVector(X, np.pi/2, Z)
>>> aeq(temp, Y)
a = np.cos(angle/2)
if (axis.ndim == 2):
if np.size(angle) != np.size(axis,0):
angle = angle * np.ones((np.size(axis,0)))
a = a * np.ones_like(angle)
w = np.einsum("ij,i->ij",axis,np.sin(angle/2))
return x + np.einsum("i,ij->ij",2*a,np.cross(w,x)) + 2*np.cross(w,np.cross(w,x))
w = axis*np.sin(angle/2)
return x + 2*a*np.cross(w,x) + 2*np.cross(w,np.cross(w,x))
[docs]def rotatePoints(points,angle,axis,origin):
Wrap-around `Euler-Rodrigues formula
formula for rotating a point cloud
points : numpy.array (N, 3)
A point (size = 3) or a list of points (N rows, 3 columns) to be
angle : scalar
scalar (in radians)
axis : numpy.array (3)
A vector around which the points are rotated
origin : numpy.array (3)
A point around which the points are rotated
points : numpy.array (N, 3)
A list of rotated points
>>> o = np.array([0,0,0])
>>> [x,y,z] = np.eye(3)
>>> temp = rotatePoints(x, np.pi/2, z, o)
>>> aeq(temp, y)
This works also for lists of vectors::
>>> X = np.tile(x,(100,1))
>>> Y = np.tile(y,(100,1))
>>> Z = np.tile(z,(100,1))
>>> temp = rotatePoints(X, np.pi/2, Z, o)
>>> aeq(temp, Y)
if len(points) > 0:
return rotateVector(points-origin,angle,axis) + origin
return points
[docs]def normalize(vectors):
This can be used to normalize a vector or a list of vectors, provided
they are given as numpy arrays.
vectors : numpy.array (N, 3)
A list of vectors to be normalized
vectors : numpy.array (N, 3)
The normalized vectors
>>> result = normalize(np.array([2,0,0]))
>>> assert(aeq(result, np.array([1,0,0])))
And for multiple vectors:
>>> result = normalize(np.array([[2,0,0],
... [0,0,1]]))
>>> assert(aeq(result, np.array([[1,0,0],
... [0,0,1]])))
if vectors.ndim == 1:
return vectors / np.dot(vectors,vectors)**0.5
if vectors.ndim == 2:
ncols = np.size(vectors,1)
norms = norm(vectors)
norms[norms == 0] = 1
norms = np.tile(norms.T,(ncols,1)).T
return vectors / norms
[docs]def norm(vectors):
This can be used to calculate the euclidean norm of vector or a list of
vectors, provided they are given as numpy arrays.
vectors : numpy.array (N, 3)
A list of vectors
norms : numpy.array (N)
A list with the euclidean norm of the vectors
>>> inp = norm(np.array([1,1,0]))
>>> out = np.sqrt(2)
>>> assert(aeq(inp, out))
And for multiple vectors:
>>> inp = norm(np.array([[1,1,0],
... [1,1,1]]))
>>> out = np.array([np.sqrt(2),
... np.sqrt(3)])
>>> assert(aeq(inp, out))
if vectors.ndim == 1:
return np.dot(vectors,vectors)**0.5
if vectors.ndim == 2:
return np.sum(vectors*vectors,1)**0.5
[docs]def barycentricCoordinates(p,p1,p2,p3):
Returns the barycentric coordinates of points, given the triangles where
they belong.
For more information on barycentric coordinates, see `Wikipedia
1) points are given as numpy arrays (crashes if not met)
area = Object.triangleArea(p1,p2,p3)
lambda1 = Object.triangleArea(p,p2,p3)
lambda2 = Object.triangleArea(p,p1,p3)
lambda3 = Object.triangleArea(p,p1,p2)
return np.array([lambda1,lambda2,lambda3])/area
point in space, or a list of points in space
points space representing triangle (can be lists)
the barycentric coordinates of point p with respect to the defined
>>> [p,p1,p2,p3] = np.array([[0.5,0.5, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 0],
... [ 1, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 1, 0]])
>>> barycentricCoordinates(p,p1,p2,p3)
array([ 0. , 0.5, 0.5])
Will also work for arrays::
>>> p = np.tile(p,(3,1)); p1 = np.tile(p1,(3,1))
>>> p2 = np.tile(p2,(3,1)); p3 = np.tile(p3,(3,1))
>>> barycentricCoordinates(p,p1,p2,p3)
array([[ 0. , 0.5, 0.5],
[ 0. , 0.5, 0.5],
[ 0. , 0.5, 0.5]])
area = triangleArea(p1,p2,p3)
lambda1 = triangleArea(p,p2,p3)
lambda2 = triangleArea(p,p1,p3)
lambda3 = triangleArea(p,p1,p2)
if p1.ndim == 1:
return np.array([lambda1,lambda2,lambda3])/area
if p1.ndim == 2:
return (np.array([lambda1,lambda2,lambda3]) / area).T
[docs]def triangleArea(p1,p2,p3):
Given three points in 3D space, returns the triangle area.
1. points are given as numpy arrays (crashes if not met)
2. if points lists are given, this will still work
.. math::
\\vec{V}_1 = \\vec{P}_2 - \\vec{P}_1
\\vec{V}_2 = \\vec{P}_3 - \\vec{P}_1
A = {1 \\over 2} \\overline{\\vec{V}_1 \\times \\vec{V}_2}
p1, p2, p3 : numpy.array
If a list of points is given, they must be vertically stacked.
area : scalar / numpy.array
The area of the points defined by the triangles. If lists of points
were used as inputs, the output is a 1D numpy.array with as many
elements as given points
v1 = p2 - p1
v2 = p3 - p1
return 0.5*norm(np.cross(v1,v2))
[docs]def KQ(A):
This decomposition is proposed in the book "Multiple View Geometry in
computer vision" by Hartley and Zisserman. It is basically a RQ
decomposition (which takes a matrix :math:`M` and finds a right, upper diagonal
camera matrix :math:`K` and a orthogonal matrix :math:`Q` so that :math:`M = aKQ` (:math:`a`
is a normalizing factor (:math:`R[-1,-1]`)).
This specific function has the following extra steps:
1) it defines a diagonal matrix :math:`D` which, when post-multiplied by
:math:`K` makes
its diagonal elements positive.
2) it normalizes :math:`K` by its :math:`[-1,-1]` element.
The use of these steps is that when the matrix :math:`M` is a DLT matrix,
:math:`K` is a camera matrix, and :math:`Q` is the orientation of the
camera (its rows are the front, down and left vectors, respectively).
A : numpy.array
A square matrix. *Attention*, DLT matrices need to have their last
column taken away for this procedure.
K : numpy.array
The camera matrix, normalized by its :math:`[-1,-1]` element.
Q : numpy.array
The camera orientation matrix
R, Q = scipy.linalg.rq(A)
D = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(R)))
K = np.dot(R,D)
Q = np.dot(D,Q) #D^-1 = D
# print "K\n", K
# print "D\n", D
# print "Q\n", Q
if np.max(np.abs(A[:,:3] - np.dot(K,Q))) > 1e-10:
print "WARNING - KQ decomposition failed, residue: \n", A - np.dot(K,Q)
return K / K[-1,-1], Q
[docs]def pointSegmentDistance(p1, p2, x):
Given one point and some line segments, calculates the euclidean distance
between each segment and this point.
If the point lies outside segment, returns the distance between point and
nearest extremity of the segment
p1 : numpy.array (N,3)
Coordinates of segments' initial points
p2 : numpy.array (N,3)
Coordinates of segments' final points
x : numpy.array(3)
Coordinates of point
distance : numpy.array (N)
Distance between each of the segments and the point
>>> p1 = np.array([[ 0, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 0]])
>>> p2 = np.array([[ 1, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 1, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 1]])
>>> x = np.array([ 1, 1, 1])
>>> pointSegmentDistance(p1, p2, x)
array([ 1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356])
>>> x = np.array([ 2, 0, 0])
>>> pointSegmentDistance(p1, p2, x)
array([ 1., 2., 2.])
v = (p2 - p1)
vlen = np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v,1))
if (vlen == 0).any():
return np.ones_like(vlen)*1000
v = np.einsum("ij,i->ij", v, 1 / vlen)
# Calculate vectors from segment extremities to point
p1x = x - p1
p2x = x - p2
# Calculate point-line (not segment) distance
d_v_x = np.cross(p1x,v)
d_v_x = np.sqrt(np.sum(d_v_x*d_v_x,1))
# Calculate the projection of the point p at the line
p1_x_prime = np.abs(np.sum(p1x*v, 1))
p2_x_prime = np.abs(np.sum(p2x*v, 1))
insegment = aeq(p1_x_prime + p2_x_prime, vlen)
# Calculate point-point distances
d_p1_x = np.sqrt(np.sum(p1x*p1x,1))
d_p2_x = np.sqrt(np.sum(p2x*p2x,1))
d_extrem = np.min(np.vstack([d_p1_x,d_p2_x]),0)
return d_v_x*insegment + d_extrem*(1 - insegment)
[docs]def linesIntersection(v,p):
Calculates the intersection of a list of lines. If no intersection exists,
will return a point that minimizes the square of the distances to the
given lines.
v : numpy.array (N, M)
A list of vectors with the direction of the lines (for 3D vectors,
M = 3)
p : numpy.array (N, M)
A list of vectors with a point in the line
x : numpy.array (M)
The point that minimizes the square of the distance to each line
If the given lines are almost parallel, so no unique solution can be
>>> v = np.array([[1,0,0],
... [0,1,0]])
>>> p = np.array([[0,0,0],
... [0,-1,0]])
>>> linesIntersection(v,p)
array([ 0., 0., 0.])
>>> p = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,-1,0.1]]) # No intersection exists
>>> linesIntersection(v,p)
array([ 0. , 0. , 0.05])
v = normalize(v)
nlines = np.size(v,0)
NN = np.zeros((nlines,3,3))
NNp = np.zeros((nlines,3,1))
for n in range(nlines):
NN[n] = np.eye(3) - np.dot(np.reshape(v[n],(3,1)),
NNp[n] = np.dot(NN[n], np.reshape(p[n],(3,1)))
part1 = np.sum(NN, 0)
part2 = np.sum(NNp, 0)
[U,D,V] = np.linalg.svd(part1)
if D[0]/D[-1] > 1e10:
raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("Could not converge calculation")
part1 = np.dot(V.T, np.dot(np.diag(1/D), U.T))
return np.dot(part1,part2).squeeze()
[docs]def readSTL(filename):
Reads an STL file and converts it into a pyvsim Part. Note that the
coordinate system of the STL file is used for the pyvsim Part.
This function uses the facilities of VTK for STL reading. Sometimes this
causes a warning window to pop-up, but most of times the files are read
filename : string
The filename (including path) of the stl file.
part : pyvsim.Primitives.Part
A part with the STL data. With the following default parameters:
* name : the Part name is the filename
* surfaceProperty : opaque
import vtk
import pyvsim.Primitives
STLReader = vtk.vtkSTLReader()
polydata = STLReader.GetOutput()
points = polydata.GetPoints()
pts = []
cts = []
for n in range(points.GetNumberOfPoints()):
for n in range(polydata.GetNumberOfCells()):
temp = vtk.vtkIdList()
obj = pyvsim.Primitives.Part()
obj.points = np.array(pts)
obj.connectivity = np.array(cts)
obj.name = filename
obj.surfaceProperty = obj.OPAQUE
print "Read %i triangles" % np.size(cts,0)
return obj
[docs]def DLT(uvlist, xyzlist):
This function calculates the direct linear transform matrix, which is the
transform executed by a pinhole camera. This procedure was suggested in
`Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_linear_transformation>`_
and some refinements are discussed in the book "Multiple View Geometry in
computer vision" by Hartley and Zisserman.
uvlist : numpy.array
A (N,2) matrix containing points at the sensor coordinates
xyzlist: numpy.array
A (N,3) matrix containing points at the world coordinates
M : numpy.array (3x4)
A matrix with the transformation to be used with homogeneous
coordinates. The matrix M is normalized by the norm of the elements
M(2,0:3), because then the depth of points is automatically given as
the third (the homogeneous) coordinate.
dMdX : numpy.array
A matrix containing the factors to calculate the partial derivatives
of the UV coordinates with respect to the XYZ coordinates. By
multiplying dMdX * M * XYZ1, one gets the derivatives in the following
:math:`\\left [ {\\partial u \\over \\partial x}
{\\partial u \\over \\partial y}
{\\partial u \\over \\partial z}
{\\partial v \\over \\partial x}
{\\partial v \\over \\partial y}
{\\partial v \\over \\partial z} \\right ]`
multiplied by :math:`w^2` (which,
for the normalized matrix :math:`M`, is the depth of the points)
detM : scalar
The determinant of the matrix formed by the first three columns of
if :math:`det(M[:,:3]) < 0`, it indicates that the mapping is done from a
right-handed coordinate system to a left-handed one (or vice versa).
This case happens when doing a mapping with a odd number of mirrors
between camera and mapped region, and some derived quantities must be
inverted in this case, e.g. the line-of-sight vector.
condition_number : double
The condition number stated in page 108 of Hartley and Zisseman, which
is the ratio of the first and the second-last singular value (because
the last should be zero, if the transform is perfect. According to
`Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condition_number>`_, the
:math:`log_{10}` of the condition number gives roughly how many digits of
accuracy are lost by transforming using the given matrix.
last_singular_value: double
The smallest singular value. The finding of the DLT matrix is a
minimization of the problem
:math:`\\left | Ax \\right |` with :math:`\\left | x \\right | = 1`.
last_condition_number is exactly abs(A*x), and gives an idea of the
precision of the matrix found (with :math:`0` being perfect)
assert np.size(uvlist,0) == np.size(xyzlist,0)
assert np.size(uvlist,1) == 2
assert np.size(xyzlist,1) == 3
[uv, Tuv] = DLTnormalization(uvlist)
[xyz, Txyz] = DLTnormalization(xyzlist)
matrix = np.zeros((np.size(xyzlist,0)*3,12))
for n in range(np.size(uvlist,0)):
xyz1 = np.hstack([xyz[n], 1])
u = uv[n,0]
v = uv[n,1]
w = 1
matrix[3*n,:] = np.hstack([ 0*xyz1, w*xyz1, -v*xyz1])
matrix[3*n+1,:] = np.hstack([-w*xyz1, 0*xyz1, u*xyz1])
matrix[3*n+2,:] = np.hstack([ v*xyz1,-u*xyz1, 0*xyz1])
[_,D,V] = np.linalg.svd(matrix)
V = V[-1] #takes last vector
# # Remember the fact that the points are in front of the camera
if V[-1] < 0:
V = -V
# print "Minimum singular value", D[-1]
M = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Tuv),
np.dot(np.vstack([V[0:4],V[4:8],V[8:12]]), Txyz))
# print "Check"
for n in range(np.size(uvlist,0)):
uv = np.array([uvlist[n,0], uvlist[n,1], 1])
xyz = np.array([xyzlist[n,0], xyzlist[n,1], xyzlist[n,2], 1])
ans = np.dot(M,xyz.T)
if np.max(np.abs(uv - ans / ans[2])) > 1e-3:
warnings.warn("Discrepancy of more than 1e-3 found in DLT", Warning)
# This normalization is applied so that the third element of the resulting
# UV-vector is the distance from the XYZ-point to the center of projection
M = M / np.linalg.norm(M[2,:3])
# This matrix provides the derivatives of the UV-coordinates with respect
# to the XYZ coordinates
# / dU/dx \
# | dU/dy |
# | dU/dz |
# dMdX * M * XYZ = w^2 * | dV/dx |
# | dV/dy |
# \ dV/dz /
# Where [u,v,w]^T = M * [x,y,z,1]^T
dMdX = np.array([[-M[2,0], 0, M[0,0]],
[-M[2,1], 0, M[0,1]],
[-M[2,2], 0, M[0,2]],
[ 0, -M[2,0], M[1,0]],
[ 0, -M[2,1], M[1,1]],
[ 0, -M[2,2], M[1,2]]])
# print M, "\n", np.linalg.det(M[:,:3]), "\n"
return (M, dMdX, np.linalg.det(M[:,:3]), D[0]/D[-2], D[-1])
[docs]def DLTnormalization(pointslist):
This normalization procedure was suggested in:: "Multiple view geometry in
computer vision" by Hartley and Zisserman, and is needed to make the
problem of finding the direct linear transform converge better
The idea is transforming the set of points so that their average is zero
and their distance to the origin is in average sqrt(nb. of coordinates).
pointslist: numpy.array
A matrix with the size (N,C) where N is the number of points and C is
the number of coordinates
normalized_points: numpy.array
A matrix with the same size as the input with the normalized coordinates
T: numpy.array
A matrix with the form (C+1, C+1) representing the transformation to be
used with homogeneous coordinates
>>> pointslist = np.array([[0,0],
... [0,1],
... [1,1],
... [1,0]])
>>> [normpoints, T] = DLTnormalization(pointslist)
>>> (np.mean(normpoints,0) == 0).all()
>>> homogeneouspoints = np.ones((4,3)) #must convert to homog. coords.
>>> homogeneouspoints[:,:-1] = normpoints
>>> np.dot(np.linalg.inv(T),homogeneouspoints.T).T[:,:-1] #inverse transform
array([[ 0., 0.],
[ 0., 1.],
[ 1., 1.],
[ 1., 0.]])
ncoords = np.size(pointslist,1)+1
t = np.mean(pointslist,0)
s = np.mean(norm(pointslist - t)) / np.sqrt(ncoords-1)
T = np.eye(ncoords) / s
T[-1,-1] = 1
T[:-1,-1] = -t / s
return ((pointslist - t)/s, T)
[docs]def pointInHexa(p,hexapoints):
Taking a set of points defining a hexahedron in the conventional order,
this function tests of the point is inside this hexahedron by:
For each face:
- calculate normal pointing outwards
- verify if point is "behind" the plane defined by the face
p : numpy.array (N, 3)
List of points to be tested
hexapoints : numpy.array (8, 3)
List of points defining an hexahedron, must obey the conventional order
of defining hexas. Also works in the case hexa has negative volume
(this was made especifically for cases when laser sheet is reflected)
if points lies inside the hexahedron
>>> hexapoints = np.array([[0,0,0],
... [0,1,0],
... [0,1,1],
... [0,0,1],
... [1,0,0],
... [1,1,0],
... [1,1,1],
... [1,0,1]])
>>> p = np.array([[ 0, 0, 0],
... [0.5,0.5,0.5],
... [ 2, 0, 0]])
>>> pointInHexa(p, hexapoints)
array([ 0., 1., 0.])
# Fix the case of inverted volumes (may happen when mirrors are present)
v1 = hexapoints[1] - hexapoints[0]
v3 = hexapoints[3] - hexapoints[0]
v4 = hexapoints[4] - hexapoints[0]
if np.dot(np.cross(v1,v3),v4) < 0:
hexatemp = np.zeros((8,3))
hexatemp[:4] = hexapoints[4:]
hexatemp[4:] = hexapoints[:4]
hexapoints = hexatemp
if p.ndim > 1:
truthtable = np.ones(len(p))
truthtable = 1
for n in range(6):
vout = np.cross(hexapoints[HEXA_CONN_PARTIAL[n,0]] -
hexapoints[HEXA_CONN_PARTIAL[n,1]] -
truthtable = truthtable * \
p - hexapoints[HEXA_CONN_PARTIAL[n,2]],
vout) < 0)
return truthtable
[docs]def quadInterpolation(p,pquad,values):
Performs barycentric interpolation extended to the case of a planar quad
p : numpy.array (N, 3)
pquad : numpy.array (4, 3)
values : numpy.array (4, M)
result : numpy.array (N, M)
>>> pquad = [[-1,-1,0],
... [+1,-1,0],
... [+1,+1,0],
... [-1,+1,0]]
>>> p = [[0,-1 ,0],
... [0,-0.5,0],
... [0, 0,0],
... [0, +1,0]]
>>> values = [0,0,1,1]
>>> quadInterpolation(np.array(p),
... np.array(pquad),
... np.array(values))
array([ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 1. ])
For interpolation of vectors
>>> values = [[-1,-1,0],
... [+1,-1,0],
... [+1,+1,0],
... [-1,+1,0]]
>>> quadInterpolation(np.array(p),
... np.array(pquad),
... np.array(values))
array([[ 0. , -1. , 0. ],
[ 0. , -0.5, 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 1. , 0. ]])
if p.ndim > 1:
npts = np.size(p,0)
npts = 1
Su = triangleArea(p,pquad[3],pquad[2])
Sr = triangleArea(p,pquad[2],pquad[1])
Sd = triangleArea(p,pquad[0],pquad[1])
Sl = triangleArea(p,pquad[0],pquad[3])
den = (Su + Sd)*(Sr + Sl)
c1 = np.reshape(Sr*Su/den,(npts,1,1))
c2 = np.reshape(Sl*Su/den,(npts,1,1))
c3 = np.reshape(Sl*Sd/den,(npts,1,1))
c4 = np.reshape(Sr*Sd/den,(npts,1,1))
return (c1*values[0] + c2*values[1] +
c3*values[2] + c4*values[3]).squeeze()
[docs]class Tictoc(object):
Just something simpler than the timeit from Python
(and more Matlab-style)
def __init__(self):
This is the class constructor
>>> tic = Tictoc()
self.begin = 0
[docs] def tic(self):
Resets the timer, must be used at the before each timed method
>>> tic = Tictoc()
>>> tic.tic()
self.begin = time.clock()
[docs] def toc(self,n=None):
Gives the calculation time or speed, depending if the number of
calculations executed from the last reset is provided as the
input n.
>>> tic = Tictoc()
>>> tic.tic()
>>> tic.toc() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Elapsed time: ...
>>> tic = Tictoc()
>>> tic.tic()
>>> tic.toc(10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Can execute: ... calculations / second
t = (time.clock()-self.begin)
if t == 0:
print "Elapsed time too short to measure"
return 0
if n is None:
print "Elapsed time: %f seconds" % t
return t
print "Can execute: %f calculations / second" % (n/t)
return n/t
[docs]def quadArea(p1,p2,p3,p4):
Returns the area of a quadrilateral defined by its edge points. The
following assumptions are made:
* All points lie in the same plane
* The quadrilateral is convex
p1, p2, p3, p4 : numpy.array (N,3)
Points or list of points defining quadrilaterals
result : (N)
The area of the quadrilaterals
>>> pts = np.array([[0,0,0],
... [0,1,0],
... [0,1,1],
... [0,0,1]])
>>> quadArea(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3])
return triangleArea(p1,p2,p3) + triangleArea(p1,p3,p4)
[docs]def displayProfile(filename):
Internal utility to profile a module and display the function calls sorted
by the cumulative time taken by each of them. This is a tool for development
of the code.
filename : string
Name of the module to be profiled. The module must have some executable
import pstats
import os
os.system("python -m cProfile -o autogenprofile.txt " + filename)
p = pstats.Stats("autogenprofile.txt")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Will execute doctest"
import doctest
print "If nothing was printed, Utils module is running ok"