M : numpy.ndarray \((3,4)\)
A matrix with the transformation to be used with homogeneous
coordinates. The matrix M is normalized by the norm of the elements
M(2,0:3), because then the depth of points is automatically given as
the third (the homogeneous) coordinate.
dMdX : numpy.ndarray
A matrix containing the factors to calculate the partial derivatives
of the UV coordinates with respect to the XYZ coordinates. By
multiplying dMdX * M * XYZ1, one gets the derivatives in the following
\(\left [ {\partial u \over \partial x}
{\partial u \over \partial y}
{\partial u \over \partial z}
{\partial v \over \partial x}
{\partial v \over \partial y}
{\partial v \over \partial z} \right ]\)
multiplied by \(w^2\) (which,
for the normalized matrix \(M\), is the depth of the points)
detM : scalar
The determinant of the matrix formed by the first three columns of
if \(det(M[:,:3]) < 0\), it indicates that the mapping is done from a
right-handed coordinate system to a left-handed one (or vice versa).
This case happens when doing a mapping with a odd number of mirrors
between camera and mapped region, and some derived quantities must be
inverted in this case, e.g. the line-of-sight vector.
condition_number : double
The condition number stated in page 108 of Hartley and Zisseman, which
is the ratio of the first and the second-last singular value (because
the last should be zero, if the transform is perfect. According to
Wikipedia, the
\(log_{10}\) of the condition number gives roughly how many digits of
accuracy are lost by transforming using the given matrix.
last_singular_value: double :
The smallest singular value. The finding of the DLT matrix is a
minimization of the problem
\(\left | Ax \right |\) with \(\left | x \right | = 1\).
last_condition_number is exactly abs(A*x), and gives an idea of the
precision of the matrix found (with \(0\) being perfect)