Source code for pyvsim.Core

.. module :: Core
    :platform: Unix, Windows
    :synopsis: Base classes for making pyvsim work
This module exists only to store the two classes that are used everywhere in
the program to define standard behaviors such as:

* Visitor pattern (for traversing object tree)
* Serialization (to files and to databases)
* Identification of objects (required by serializer)
.. moduleauthor :: Ricardo Entz <maiko at>

.. license::
    PyVSim v.1
    Copyright 2013 Ricardo Entz
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
import Utils
_todoc = ["PyvsimObject", "PyvsimDatabasable"]

[docs]class PyvsimObject(object): """ This is the base class of the program. It is used to implement the following behaviors: * Serialization (via the __getstate__ method) * Visitor pattern * Identification and naming of objects """ instanceCounter = 0 _todoc = ["acceptVisitor", "__repr__","__getstate__"] def __init__(self): self._id = PyvsimObject.instanceCounter = str(self._id) PyvsimObject.instanceCounter += 1 self.transientFields = [] @property def id(self): return self._id def __getstate__(self): """ This function provides the infrastructure for transient fields (those which are not serialized) which works both for builtin python pickle and pyvsimJSON. Returns ------- mydict : dict Persistence dictionary, with transient fields set to None """ mydict = self.__dict__ for key in self.transientFields: mydict[key] = None return mydict
[docs] def acceptVisitor(self, visitor): """ This method is a provision for the `Visitor Pattern <http://>`_ and is used for traversing the tree. Some possible uses are the display or the saving routine. *If you are inheriting from this class* and your node is non-terminal, please override this method Parameters ---------- visitor an object inheriting from `:class:~System.Visitor` """ visitor.visit(self)
def __repr__(self): """ Generates a unique string to identify the object """ return ("PYVSIMOBJECT%%" + str(type(self)) + "%%IDNUMBER%%" + str(
[docs]class PyvsimDatabasable(PyvsimObject): """ This class provides another serialization method for some objects - in a database. """ _todoc = ["fetchFromDB", "listDB", "contributeToDB"] # DB_OBJ = Utils.readConfig("Database","databaseType") # DB_URL = Utils.readConfig("Database","databaseAddress") # DB_USER = Utils.readConfig("Database","databaseUsername") # DB_PASS = Utils.readConfig("Database","databasePassword") def __init__(self): self.dbParameters = None self.dbName = None = None self._db = None self.transientFields.extend(["_db"]) @property
[docs] def db(self): """ Returns the database object where libraries of parameters are stored. """ if self._db is None: self._initializeDB() return self._db
def _initializeDB(self): """ Gets the corresponding database facade (according to the config file), then initializes. """ pkg = __import__("DBFacade") #mod = getattr(pkg,"DBFacade") self._db = getattr(pkg, PyvsimDatabasable.DB_OBJ)(dburl = PyvsimDatabasable.DB_URL, dbName = self.dbName, username = PyvsimDatabasable.DB_USER, password = PyvsimDatabasable.DB_PASS)
[docs] def fetchFromDB(self, name): """ Redefines the current object with data received from the database in the form of a dictionary. Parameters ---------- dbdict : dict A dict received from the database and decodable by pyvsimJSONDecoder. The dict must have all the fields defined in self.dbParameters Raises ------ KeyError If the received dict doesn't have all the parameters defined in self.dbParameters """ dbdict = self.db.fromdb(name) for key in self.dbParameters: self.__dict__[key] = dbdict[key] = name
[docs] def listDB(self): """ Returns a list listing the current database entries in the category of the object. E.g.: using this method in a Glass material will list only the available glasses, etc. Returns ------- dblist : list List of strings containing all entries in a database category """ return self.db.listdb()
[docs] def contributeToDB(self, overwrite = False): """ Contributes to the database with the current object parameters. By default no overwriting is allowed. Each entry is defined by the "name" field. Parameters ---------- overwrite : boolean If False, will not allow an entry in the database to be modified. Raises ------ ValueError When an entry with the same name already exists in the database """ dbdict = self._dbdict() self.db.todb(, dbdict, overwrite)
def _dbdict(self): """ Created a dict only with the object entries that should be stored in the database. These entries are defined in self.dbParameters. Returns ------- dbdict : dict A JSON serializable dict created with System.pyvsimJSONEncoder with entries defined in self.dbParameters """ dbdict = {} for key in self.dbParameters: dbdict[key] = self.__dict__[key] return dbdict